Chapter 2: defiance

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The next morning I woke up late. I grunted in bed. My eyelids were heavy, and despite the good sleep I was exhausted. After considering laying in bed the whole day, I shook my head and dragged myself out of bed. My legs were dead from last night's sleep. I never slept for this long before. Walking toward the chair, or whats left of it, I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I yawned.

I looked at my grease stained clothes from yesterday's training as I had to fill the x-wing with fuel, and wondered if I've been walking around like this the whole time. The clothes I owned were all either ripped or stained. I was a walking disaster.
No wonder everyone avoids me, I thought to myself, but I tried to push this thought out of my mind.

After searching for a decent outfit in the piles of clothes, discarded on the side of my bed. I found a sleeveless green tunic secured by a brown belt around the waist and tight navy blue pants. I plaited my hair in a side braid and and placed it over my head creating a crown. I stared at my reflection and adjusted my clothes. I grabbed a long brown hooded cloak and obscured my face. I never liked too much attention. People's stares always made me feel uncomfortable, as if I were exposed to their pleasure. They always seemed to judge, but I guess it just runs in our blood. We do it unintentionally.

The city was as busy as ever. Ships flew over our heads as citizens tried to rush to their work. The noise grew louder with every minute that ticked by. Kids were rushing around chasing each other as their mothers bargained with the merchants in a foreign language over the price of the food portions. These merchants were always greedy. Merciless. The weaker and poorer you looked the higher the price will be.

Men were standing hidden in the corners of the streets observing everything happening around. I learned the hard way that I should stay away from them and mind my own business. The city's beauty could defy the outsiders into thinking its paradise. When it's just hell disguised as heaven. It was ruthless, chewing the weak and spitting him out.

"You have to learn to be strong and hide your pain in this city," I remembered Castor telling me.

Everyone carried at least one weapon with them. For if they fell trouble no one will come to help. I pushed my way between the growing crowds. Suddenly, a person elbowed me in the ribcage knocking the air out of my lungs I gasped as I stumbled onto the ground. My hood fell back and all eyes were glaring at me. I picked myself up quickly and placed the hood over my head again. A few people stood there smirking at me.

I brushed the dirt off my clothes. They were still staring at me. Why are they still staring at me? Panic rose up my body. I wanted to run in fear, instead I looked around and tried to say in my harshest voice, "What are you looking at?" Then I straightened my back and carried on strolling through the city.

"You fall you, get back up or they'll think you're spineless, easily broken" Castor's advice is what kept me alive the few years I've lived here. I knew I owed him my life. I would be dead if it wasn't for him, and I was ready to do everything I could whenever I get the chance to repay him.

There are good people around of course, but this isn't how the system works here. There was probably alot of good people, who were forced to act in a despicable way to be able to live. There was no such thing as selflessness in then city.

The buildings stood tall above my head providing shade as I continued to walk. I passed a few men selling others. I never liked to use the word slave and it angered me how they were treated. These were people too with feelings and lives and probably a past too, unlike me. Most of these people became slaves because they fell in debts, and here once you start a debt you can never repay it back you just keep on borrowing money to pay it back to others you had borrowed from. The thought of becoming a slave sent shivers through my spine.

Finally, I reached my destination. I stood in front of a door painted black. There were bullet marks all over it, I never got to know why. I knocked five times in a row then stood back. A small slit in the door appeared and I was greeted by a pair of red eyes peering at me. I emptied out my pockets and showed the merchant what I had for him. He looked at it greedily, took it then came back five seconds later with my food portions.

I snatched it from him quickly and hid it in my cloak before anyone can see me, then I turned around and started making my way back home. The sky was getting darker and the sun that was once out was now hiding behind the dark clouds. I started moving faster subconsciously, staying in the city at night is never a good idea.

After about fifteen minutes of walking it had started raining. I stood and checked my pockets for the food portions, they were still in my pockets. I carried on, but something still didn't feel right. My body felt unsettled as if I sensed something unpleasant.

Suddenly, there were loud shrieks, coming from every corner as people quickly fled away. I looked around confused. Even the men standing by the corner of the street have retreated into the shadows. That's when I saw him. He stood tall and confident between the other men. I couldn't make out his features as his back was given to me. But, I could tell his face was masked. He was dressed fully in black with a flowing black cape, and in his hand was a weapon, I've never seen before it was tall and red. I felt drawn to it. He was surrounded by what I guessed were soldiers guarding him.

In front of him stood a man. I couldn't recognize him as the lightning flashed blinding me. The man's voice sounded inhuman. He kept repeating what I think were the words resistance and base. I had no idea what he meant. I tried to get closer to see what's happening and my blood froze. The man standing in front of him was Castor. His chest was puffed up standing with pride, not fear. I always looked up to him for his courage.

The next events happened in a blur. I didn't think of my actions. I saw the man in the helmet raise his weapon ready to get rid of his target. I reached for my gun, but it wasn't there. How can I forget it? My legs moved on their own, my mouth screaming one word  "NO!" I threw my hands up to stop the weapon from maiming Castor, "RUN!" I shrieked. I awaited the pain, but it never came. The weapon stood above my head, frozen. I could feel the energy radiating from it. I looked at the man and at this moment he didn't need to show his face. I could feel his fury.

He pointed at me and said two words "get her! " and as two soldiers picked me up, I looked at Castor and raised my eyebrows. He got the hint and took off running.

A soldier pointed his blaster at him, nearly stopping my heart, but the tall man stopped him. "We don't need him anymore," he took one last look at me then I felt something hit the back of my head drowning me into the darkness.

Yikes second chapter. Please excuse my clumsy writing. I'd be surprised if anyone read up to this point actually

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