Chapter 37: Open Wounds

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My eyes fluttered open.

I was in a different room now, drenched in sweat. I looked over to the side to find a tray of food and fresh new clothes. The immense pain was completely gone now.

I am still alive...great...

I was startled by the sound of snoring, so I looked to the left to find Edd, he still had that mischievous look on his face, it always baffled me how he could maintain that face at all times, even in his sleep, I guess it's what made him Edd. Although, it would be nice if for once it looked like wasn't planning on doing something to mess with me.

My mind drifted back to all the times I fell for his traps. He always had a new idea in his head to prank me, and he always got me. There was never really a dull day when I was around him. He always made sure that I was kept entertained whether it was with my consent or not.

I looked back to the other side of the room where the food was set down for me. There was a huge variety, and my stomach rumbled from just the smell of it. I was starving. It's funny how I only just realised how hungry I was, it didn't really seem to bother me when I was on the run. However, it might've been due to the fact that all energy was drained from my body yesterday.

I dove in for the tray and grabbed the nearest food item to me, of course it was gone in seconds, so I grabbed the next thing, I was so eating so quickly that the whole process was a blur to me. By the time I was done, a man entered. Someone straight out of my dreams, were they my dreams? No not mine, Gavin's, that is the man that I saw in Gavin's dream, his father.

"They sent me to check in on you, I see you're awake now, when exactly did you wake up?" His voice was deep yet soft.

"A couple of minutes ago," he looked over at the empty food tray, then turned back to me, and chuckled lightly. He must think I am some sort of speed eater or something now.

"I see, I will let them know that you have gotten up," he stroked his chin thoughtfully and started moving towards the door.

"Wait," I interrupted him,"you're Gav- I mean Quell's father aren't you".

The man whipped his head straigt back to my direction. His pupils were dilated, he stood firmly, frozen in his place, staring at me in astonishment.

"How- how do you know my son?"

"He's my friend I met him when they captured me and took me, the first order I mean," I could see the confusion in his weary eyes, as if he can finally get the mission he came here for done. He doesn't know though, I can tell he doesn't know that his wife Nora was gone. It hurt just thinking about it again.

"You haven't met him yet, he's here, he escaped with us," I continued reassuringly.

"Are you saying my son is here a-are you saying I can see him right now?" His voice was cracking, and a smile was forming on his face. That man spent years searching for his son only to have him come to him. All these years and coincidence is what brought him back.

"I've got to go find him," the excitement was now leaping from his eyes.

"I'll come with you, and direct you to him, just let me take a quick shower and get dressed," I offered to help partially because I was curious what would happen.

"Are you sure? I don't think you should be leaving your bed now,"

"No it's fine I was just a little exhausted, but now I am okay," I assured him.

I took a swift shower and got dressed as quickly as possible, I didn't want to keep him waiting. Then I tied my hair in a knot, and we left the room together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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