Chapter 25: Forgiven

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The two stormtroopers I ushered, carried Gavin effortlessly, and lay him down on one of the beds in the infirmary. The doctor that had helped heal me before rushed towards us as soon as he saw Gavin's blood stained armor. The first thing he did was try to find a pulse.

"He's still alive, he seems to be quite the fighter," the doctor called out for his assistant who came in with a trolley full of tools and labelled bottles, "I am sorry but you have to wait outside".

"What? no, I want to make sure he'll be okay,"

"Trust me miss, if you really care about him and it seems you do, then you will not like what you see or hear if you stay here," the doctor and his assistant both gave me a look of pity, before the assistant, lead me outside and found me a chair to sit on.

"Don't worry, we've seen worse, we know what we're doing, but tell me was it Kylo Ren?" The assistant slowly patted my back, I only nodded in response. He tried to give an encouraging smile, then went back inside the room.

It took five minutes for the deafening howls to come from inside. I tried to block his screaming out, but it was too loud. I placed both hands over my ears, and started rocking back and forth. This was all my fault. I was relieved to wait outside, I probably would've lost my mind or gone into protective mode if I saw him in pain like that.

After three hours of waiting, the shrieks of pain were inaudible, I heard the muffled conversation between the two inside, then approaching footsteps. The door opened and the assistant gave me a small nod, making me instantly jolt up.

"Not so fast, he needs to rest," the assistant held out a hand.

"Please, I just want to see him. I won't wake him up," it was becoming harder to breath and the only thing that would heal me is if I made sure he was okay with my own eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you ten minutes. Make it quick," I wanted to hug the assistant to show my appreciation, but I kept it to myself. He lead me to Gavin's bed, who was snoring lightly. His shoulder was heavily bandaged, shattering my heart into a million pieces.

"What have I done to you?" I whispered as I sank down to my knees to be in level with the bed mattress. "I should've kept away from you. I shouldn't have let Kylo know that I care about you. You've been through a lot because of me and I don't want to be the reason you get harmed. You are one of the only people that appreciated me and treated me well. I became your only friend and I should've seen it coming, but I was blinded by broken promises, and sugar coated lies. How can I be so stupid? I am sorry, for everything I caused, and-and I still want you in one piece, so don't you dare leave me alone".

I stopped when I realised I had been talking to myself. I buried my head into the bedsheets and bawled my eyes out for the remaining six minutes. The assistant tapped my shoulder gently. I took one last look at the broken soldier, then left him to sleep.

"Don't worry he'll be fine. The pain can be overwhelming the first few days, but I promise he will be back on his feet in no time at all," this caused me to cry even harder.

I sniffed and let out a tired huff. I slowly wandered in the corridors. At last I reached my room, but the door was already open. I felt my hands guided automatically to the lightsaber, I carried it everywhere with me now. As soon as I set foot into the room the door slid shut. My head snapped around to see Kylo standing in the corner with his helmet off.

"GET OUT!" I gritted my teeth.

"No I can explain," he pleaded.

"I've had enough of your pretend games Kylo," I snapped at him,"I tried to listen, I honestly did, but you just seem to be trying to destroy everything I love," a lump in my throat was growing and I tried to swallow it back.

"It-It was an accident, I promise I just thought he was attacking me," he was a really good actor.

"Do you know what that makes you? It makes you a coward,"

"I-I know I am. I Am the biggest coward in the galaxies, just let me prove to you that I am not the evil villain who wants to get rid of all the good people," Kylo was stuttering. It made it hard for me to know whether to believe what he says or not.

"Yes, as if I would believe that," I rolled my eyes at him.

" I am really sorry Mala," Kylo buried his face into his big hands," I built our relationship with each other based off fear and hatred and forgot to show you loyalty and trust. Even though they are vital,"

Vital to lure me into the darkside. I thought to myself.

Kylo had finished what he had to say, now it was my turn, "do you even have the slightest idea what this poor man had to suffer?"

"Yes I did. That's why I really mean it when I apologise," he said while running his hand on his facial scar, "I know he is suffering now more than I ever had".

These words, 'more than I ever had'. He was showing sympathy towards Gavin. It proved how tormented Kylo was. If there is still light in him then I need to bring it out. There was still hope.

" How can I know you aren't lying," I asked.

At this moment Kylo took out his lightsaber. I backed away instantly thinking he would attack me, but he threw it on the ground.

"If you want to wound me the way I injured Gavin, I am completely defenseless," he placed his hands behind his back and waited to see my reaction.

I thought about it for a minute, then activated my lightsaber. He looked away from me, but stood ddirmly where he was. The blade attacked in a haze of green.

I rammed it into the wall right next to Kylo's head. He flinched and closed his eyes. Only to open them a few seconds later, blinking repeatedly with confusion.

"I forgive you pretty boy".

Hi. Sooo I have 4 days left until summer holiday and I am so excited...

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