Chapter 6: Speaking up

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I stood facing Kylo and tried to tell him that I was lost. I was mouthing words but, my voice seemed to be just as lost as I was. I wanted to kick myself for acting like that. I was letting him take control of me, showing him my vulnerability.

"I... I just wanted to... to get something to eat I didn't mean to...I didn't know... " I stammered trying to find an excuse.

"I didn't tell you to get out of your room!" He yanked my arm again and took me to my starting point again. My room then he left without a word.

I found myself breaking down, sobbing hysterically. I told myself to stop acting so childish, but it only made it worse. My life was going downhill. Life seemed to be so cruel. I tried to be as kind as I can, to be loyal and honest. I've never harmed anyone in my life before. I didn't know what I had done wrong to deserve this punishment.

I lied down in bed sniffling. Tears were still streaming down my face in silence. My thoughts clawing at my brain, and whispering to me until my misery put me to sleep. There was no escape.
"Come back,"
I was consumed by the darkness. Nothing seemed to be visible.

"Please come back!" The woman's voice echoed through the darkness.

"Where are you?" I shouted. But there was no reply.

"Its too late," another voice echoed "you can't help us now. You've let us down"

Then I felt my weight pulling me down into the eternal hell below.
The next day I rose early from bed like I'd usually do. The only difference is that I was stuck here instead of watching the sun rise. This only reminded me how badly I missed Corellia.

I was drenched in sweat. That dream was so weird. I didn't know what it meant. I took a shower again and got dressed in another black shirt and pants. I looked horrible. The bags under my eyes were the only thing defining them.

I walked out of the bathroom to find a food tray laid down on my bed. I dropped the hair brush I was once clutching in my hands and ran toward the tray. My hand reached out for the nearest thing and grabbed it. I devoured the food within minutes feasting on it blindly. It tasted much better than the food on Corellia. It was richer. I didn't know what it was, but it made it almost worth my stay here.

Upon finishing the food. I heard a knock on my door. It confused me that someone actually had manners here "umm... come in?"

To my surprise it was Kylo. He didn't speak but, I understood that it was time to start training. I got up and strided behind him trying to keep up with his footsteps. The height difference between Kylo and I was huge. It seemed impossible for me to win a fight against him.

At last, we reached another metallic door. Kylo entered a passcode and it slid open. As soon as I entered the door closed. I instantly felt the need to run. The room was enormous the ceiling at least fifteen metres high. Yet I felt the walls closing in on me. Narrowing the space between us. Why was I so scared of him anyway? No, I wasn't scared of him. I was scared of his actions.

I heard the hissing sound that the helmet made as Kylo took it off. He had his hand on his lightsaber. In his other hand was a metal rod. He threw it at me and I caught it just in time to see him ignite his saber. Confused I looked at the rod to see that its actually a lightsaber. When I glanced up again Kylo was charging at me. I shrieked and ducked just in time as he swung it over my head. I fell to the ground and rolled before pressing a button which ignited the lightsaber. The weapon felt so familiar in my grasp.

I jumped to my feet nearly losing my balance and held it tightly in both hands as he charged at me again. This time more agressively. I swung my lightsaber blocking his blow just in time.Our weapons collided, I pushed my green saber against his red. But he stepped forward baffling me. His weight fell on mine as he tried to force my own saber down onto me.

"You have to learn to resist," he finally spoke out, "you're weak". His words angered me. He was trying to make me feel inferior. I found one hand letting go on its own. Making the saber go dangerously near to my neck. I held my breath as my free hand made its way to Kylo's lightsaber, shutting it off.

Kylo looked struck by my action. I grinned at him and pushed him off me. "And you have to learn to stop underestimating others,"then I got to my feet, shoving the lightsaber into my pocket and rubbing the sweat off my forehead.

Kylo stood up, dusting his clothes, "you can't just force shut your opponents' lightsabers, it worked this time but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will work again,"then he continued "you need to learn how to fight and use the force".

"How am I supposed to use the force if I am not even sure what it is!" I protested.

Kylo sat down and covered his hands in his head running his fingers on his forehead he hesisitated at felt but then he spoke out, "Remember when you ran toward me and raised your hand protectively over Castor".

I nodded slowly at him, I couldn't really see where he was going. "I didn't stop intentionally, you used the force on me to stop me".

"Wha-" I was confused how could I use it if I didn't even know I had it.

"Some people use it without knowing,"he said answering my unspoken question "you showed more than one that you were force sensitive while you were here in the base"

Millions of questions hovered in my mind and just as I was about to spill them out, a soldier barged into the training room. In a heart beat the poor soldier was hovering. Grasping his neck desperately. Kylo had his back to him hiding his face again but his arm was still extended. "What's your name stormtrooper? "

"GD-3422", the stormtrooper replied.

"Why are you here? " Kylo demanded.

"General Hux... asked... to see you" even though I couldn't see his face I could see that he was struggling for breath as his legs kicked the air wildly.

"Stop," I shouted at Kylo "you're going to kill him". But, he completely ignored me so I ran and forced his arm down, breaking his attention, which seemed to work. Unfortunately for me.

Kylo was furious. But, he just stared at me silently his upper lip quivering in disgust. He put his helmet and marched past the stormtrooper that was lying on the ground, coughing still gasping for breath, as if he's invisible. I knew at that moment that I would pay dearly for standing up to Kylo. But I didn't care. I felt proud for finally doing something right in this place.

I ran up to the stormtrooper and made sure he's okay then asked him to take me to my room. I didn't want to end up being lost like last time.

I smiled as I thanked him for taking me to my room then threw my body onto the bed.


So that's what they're called. Seems like I'll be learning something new here everyday.

Hi is anyone else excited for the doctor's new comoainion Bill (pearl mackie) I know I am:)))

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