Chapter 9: A new page

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As I lay against the snow, his eyes didn't leave mine. But, he seemed to come back to his senses once more. I felt the heat leave my body as the snow around me melted slowly. Kylo took a step forward. But, I started kicking and lashing at him uncontrollably, like some sort of untamable animal, forcing him to retreat.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" my voice echied as the wind carried it away. It had started hailing so, I raised my bare hand over my head protectively. "WHY CAN'T YOU KILL ME ALREADY?"

Kylo took off his helmet. I touched my face to find it damp with tears. The cold had numbed my face, slowly freezing me to my death. I gave my back to him and hugged my knees to try and find some warmth.

I heard a small soft thud. Then a heavier one. As if something had dropped in the snow. I turned around to see Kylo sitting on the ground only a few inches from me his legs crossed. His helmet in the snow next to him. His closeness made me feel uncomfortable, but I didn't back away. I didn't want him to think that he scared me.

He scooted closer to me leaving the light saber behind. The hail was getting stronger. It was falling on our heads like rocks.

"I didn't tell you that you can leave yet," he said trying to supress a smile.

"You told me I could leave when I learn to use the force and I did, now what do you want from me?" I said with a hint of harshness in my voice.

He turned his face sideways, looking a bit hurt lost in the view of the trees now shaking violently with the wind, the leaves dancing with the hail. His black hair kept coming over his face, so he kept running his fingers through his hair trying to make it stay in place.

Somehow all of this seemed familiar. The starkiller. the stormteoopers, the force and... Kylo. Somehow he seemed familiar. But I tried to push the thought out of my mind unsure if he is still reading it.

My head was starting to hurt me. My skin dangerously drawn off colour. My teeth were shattering so forcefully. I thought they might as well break. Kylo took a glimpse at me then, got up quickly lifting me up with him, "that's enough training again I don't want you to faint and pull me down with you again asking with my dignity".

Was that sarcasm? He can actually joke.

I leaned awkwardly on his hand. All my energy had been sucked out of me. My legs were as stiff as wood. We walked in silence to my room. Then he left without a word.

I snuggled into my bed and wrapped myself into the stuffed grey blanket. A few minutes later Kylo returned with a drink in his hand. "Drink this it will compensate for the energy you lost," I took the drink in my hand. It was scorching hot; But it felt present in my hand. The liquid was something I've never seem before. It was thick, with different shades of people to it. The aroma it released was enough to make my muscles relax. I took one sip and felt it make its way down my throat. It tasted almost magical.

I gulped down the whole thing in minutes then looked at Kylo and thanked him. He just nodded and left the room to give me with some privacy.

"Kylo?" I was unsure why I called him out.

"Yes Mala," he responded. This was the first time I heard him say my name without anger interferring.

"I'm sorry if I ever said or well... or thought of sonething that hurt ttour feeling you see.. " I didn't even know why I was apologizing

"Its okay Mala I can't feel," but I knew he did. He was a human being just like me.

"I want to start a new page with you," I found myself saying, "I wasn't to forget all the hardships that ever happened between us".

He gave me a side grin and peeked at me through the door before heading out once more "Deal".

I felt relieved. I wasn't sure why but, a sense of peacefulness, washed over my body, making me drowsy. I looked at the watch embedded to the wall to find that it was already night time. The days in the starkiller base seemed to fly. Even the bad ones seemed to be so long ago. I could barely redeem their details.

The sound of the hail, falling against my room finally got me and I fell into sleep once more.

" you have to focus!" A completely different voice. One that I had never heard before was talking to me. "You're too keen to finish your training that you forget pay attention".

I was trying to lift a boulder up using the force. "I can't its too heavy", I dropped my hand to my side then covered my face in my other hand. A hooded man came toward me and lifted off his hood.Then placed his hand on my shoulder. He was an old man. He looked at me with sympathy saying "don't worry you'll get there one day, I was like that when I was your age".
I chuckled at his words, having a hard time believing him, "you? But you're the most powerful one of us".
"Patience", he said,"we all start somewhere but its the most patient people who achieve what they want quickly.Believe me I learnt this the hard way". He stood silently staring at the yellow sky, probably remembering his training days.

"You did very well today". I think you've had enough training. The sky is getting dark. I'll go check on my other apprentices".

I sat down on the boulder I had tried to lift. I couldn't comprehend being as strong as my mentor. It was too much to wish for. The way people treat him, giving him the utmost respect. However, he was humble and that made him even more respected. It had started raining,but I wasn't bothered, having always loved playing the rain as a young child.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't see him running back toward me. There were tears in his eyes "someone killed all the apprentices and I think I know who it is I felt the dark side in him a long time ago", I jumped off the boulder. Seeing him like this broke me. I reached out for my lightsaber, but he stopped me.

"I think its Ben" my hands fell to my side.I felt my eyes widen as he said the name. "I think I can bring him back to his senses. But, you have to go, you're so close to finishing your training.

"But-"I started to protest.

"Hide in your family's house and I'll ,meet you there" I told him to watch out for himself and started running in the opposite direction to him. Stopping at nothing. Sadness swelled up at the thought of the others, their limp bodies lying on the ground in the mud. I couldn't feel anything but like a coward.

I am so sorry for not posting yesterday. I got so busy with my studies and I fell asleep from exhaustion :((( sorry. Half of this chapter is written at one am so I apologise if its not that great.

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