Chapter 5: Forced

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I woke up a few days later, to find myself lying on a mattress. I glanced around, confused. I was now in a perfectly squared room. The walls were painted grey to match the dull atmosphere. I raised my hand to rub my eyes to find them unrestrained. My bruises were all almost healed and my body was bandaged in several places.

At the door stood a soldier. But, he was wearing a grey uniform. His hands folded over his chest. He looked confident, unlike the others.

The soldier, glanced at me to see me starting. I turned away awkwardly. Then the soldier said, "master Ren the girl has gotten up," It was a female's voice. Something that took me by surprise, I never knew that they trained women here too. I wondered why Kylo would want me again. Then I remembered that I dragged him down with me when I passed out.

Kylo entered the room his eyes fixated on me. I could easily tell now if he's looking at me or not through his helmet" Phasma, general Hux demanded to see you". Phasma gave him a quick nod saluted him in respect then marched out of the room. Leaving me alone with him in the room. I felt my muscles tense. This time I could defend myself.

Kylo took off his helmet and sat down in a chair at the other end of the room. This made me relax. But, I told myself not to let him off guard. Just in case. He sat silently for a few minutes, looking at me thoughtfully. His fingers drumming against his knees. He almost looked like a normal person.

It didn't seem like he was going to start talking soon so I let my mind wander off. I mapped the room quickly. A small closet stood in the corner of the room. I never affored a closet before. A second small door was ajar. I could just flimpse the shower. How I longed to take one.

Finally, he broke the silence, "you will join the dark side of the force". I raised my eyebrows at him. His eyes were challenging me to refuse.

I blinked once then cleared my throat "and if I refuse?"

"Then we will kill... "

"You will kill me?" I replied with a smirk on my face "then be my guest and do it quickly please".

His jaw tightened and I saw his hand twitch toward his lightsaber. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath. "We will kill Castor not you, " he continued slowly "you will however be punished for treason. "

The smirk on my face slowly vanished. He found my weak point. The only thing I cared about in this world. Keeping Castor alive to repay my debt. Even worse if he dies this time it will be because of me. Because of my choice, and I knew that Kylo would love the closest chance to murder him for getting away.

Now it was his turn to grin. But his smile was sinister. There was no warmth in it. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at the ceiling. It was a trick I had learned to stop me from crying in front of people.

After a few minutes of thinking, I made my choice. I opened my mouth to speak but he stood up placing the helmet under his hand and said "welcome to the first order". That settled it. He was reading my mind. My thoughts were a display for him to look at whenever he wished.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I spat out at him.

He froze in his spot. I waited for a reaction. But, he gave me a side glance through his helmet and mumbled "your training starts tomorrow". Then he walked out of what I assumed was my new room, sliding the door shut behind him.

I got out of bed, but my legs were numb. It took me a few minutes to stretch them out. I opened the closet to find a stack of clothing. Mostly black or grey. How cheerful, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes at the clothes I think I am going to love it here.

All the clothes, seemed to be long-sleeved. So, I got one of the black shirts and ripped the sleeves off. I never liked long-sleeves they made my arm itch. I grabbed some black pants then went into the bathroom. Making sure the door is locked. Then, I turned the shower on.

The warm water droplets hit my back. It was a feeling I hadn't encountered ever since I came here. I watched as the water turned grey because of the dirt plastered on my body. I spent the next fourty five minutes scrubbing it off my body.

I got out of the shower and dried myself. I got dressed and then scrambled through the bathroom for a hairbrush. I glanced at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My face was still covered in visible bruises and it was thinner than before. Suddenly, a memory struck me like lightening, or rather it was a deja vu. I wasn't quite sure. But, I was looking at my face in the rippling water of the Corellian waters as I cried and whined in pain.

I shook my head thinking it was just my imagination then, went back to the room. The room was really boring. It provided all my essentials but otherwise, it was completely dull.

My stomach rumbled and I wondered if they fed me when I was unconcious, but I doubted it. No one probably cared about anyone else here. It didn't surprise me. I started looking for any snack around in the room, but couldn't find anything. This room had everything, but food. I rolled my eyes. I had a suspiscion that Kylo wanted to see me starve to death, just for his pleasure.

I sat in the bed for a long time hugging my knees, rocking myself back and forth, to comfort myself. My mouth was dry from thirst, but I doubted the water in the bathroom was drinkable.

Finally, my desperation got the best of me and I slid the door open walking out of my room. I was in a completely different section from the one I was in before I fainted. I strolled through the halls aimlessly trying to find something to eat. I was greeted by stares from the soldiers in white. I wondered what they were called. Soon my legs started aching and I glanced around to find myself in a deserted area completely lost.

The only room in the hall stood slightly open. Curiousity got the best of me. I found myself peeking inside a bedroom, but it was dimly lit. Before I could see anything else, someone grabbed me by the shoulders and a voice I recognised was shouting at me "what do you think you're doing going into my room? "

I turned around and my eyes widened. This isn't good. It was Kylo Ren and I could sense his anger fuming.

Uhhh writer's block I hope this chapter is good enough for now. I am not quite sure what will happen next but I will come up with something soon. :)

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