Chapter 10: the apprentice

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The next few days passed as I trained with Kylo outdoors. In the worst types of climates. From thunderstorms to blizzards.

I woke up to a knock on my door and fell out of my bed. Before I could get up again Kylo barged into the room. "we're practicing indoors today".

I nodded at him in response. I scratched my head making my hair even more tangled. I ate my breakfast quickly them headed to the training room. I was using the force much easier now. It helped me get to Kylo wherever he is, in the base. I had to admit that his training had beaten me back into shape. Maybe I had gotten even stronger than before.

When I reached the training base Kylo already had his mask off. He was stretching his back. I crept in slowly and just as I was about to reach for my lightsaber. I was greeted by a table accelerating straight towards my face. I instinctively stretched my hand trying to stop it.

It was heavy. Heavier than I had been expecting. It took all my energy and effort to keep it raised. I glanced to see Kylo's hand lengthened towards him just like mine. He was trying to force the table at me, and I was trying too hard.

"I was once like you when I was your age", the man's words echoed through my brain. I couldn't really remember his name or who he was. But he made me feel more confident. I felt the light inside my heart grow, the pure energy building up in my soul. I directed all this energy toward the table. But it still didn't move.

Instead, it was thrown sideways. Kylo's eyebrows were furrowed. His eyes full of disapproval. "There is still too much light inside you, why aren't you letting the dark side of the force flow through you?" I could see he was trying to control his temper.

I stood. My feet firmly planted were they are. I didn't have an answer. I couldn't even explain the kind of power I was using. Instead I studied his facial expression. His forehead was wrinkled with lines. His lips as full as ever. A scar stood out over the bridge of his nose. How I had never seen it before?

Kylo's mind was open wide like a window. But, I couldn't dare peek at it, or the beast inside would be unleashed. I wanted to break the tense silence that had fallen in the room. I grabbed the hilt of my lightsaber and activated it. He activated his in return.

I ran as fast as my feet could pick me up. Scanning his mind for his next reaction as he charged towards me, swinging his saber dangerously. It worked. Our lightsabers clashed as I blocked his attack. I swung mine. Fighting him without thinking. The lightsaber possessed me, moving my body automatically.

I ducked my head just in time to see his weapon swing above my head. The sound it made was music to my ear. I kicked him in the shin causing him to wince in pain. My eyes met his and I smiled mockingly. He spun the lightsaber round my head in response. Now grinning back at me, giving me the same look.

I tilted my head at him confused by what he had done. Then I watched in horror as a huge chunk of my hair fell to my shoulder. My jaw dropped open and I grabbed the singed hair off my shoulder.

Within seconds I was boiling. One hand grabbed the lightsaber from his hand and the other went straight through his jaw. He opened his mouth wiping the blood I drew out, and gave me a bloody grin. "Yes, feel the anger let it control you". I threw his lightsaber onto the ground and leaped at him, using his chest as a punching bag as my weight kept him firm on the ground.

He didn't try to stop me. After a few minutes my hands got tired. I got off him rested my body on the grey metal ground. Trying to catch my breath. Kylo still laid on the ground observing me. He smelt of blood and sweat, because of me. I did that to him. I hurt him.

"I am sorry," I said wheezing for air. My heart still racing. I got up and grabbed his gloved hands lifting him up. He didn't resist my help this time. I sat on one of the two chairs in the room. Sulking at the floor.

"You were right by the way," I lifted my gaze off the ground and stared at Kylo "I don't think I've ever had friends".

Shame and guilt proned, swelling up slowly. I felt the heat reach up my face. My palms were getting sweaty. "I am so sorry I didn't realise-" his expression looked pained. He could feel and I made him feel hurt. I couldn't find an excuse for what I've said (actually thought) so instead I said "You can take me as your friend".
"No, I can't have any friends. Especially not you!" He said avoiding my gaze. I felt as if I had been stabbed. I was silly to think that the master of the knights of ren himself would befriend me.

I am a useles worthless being from his prespective.

"Is that what you really think you are? A uselesss worthless being?" I fronted him. He was shaking his head. "You're my apprentice Mala. You can be so much more than you are now, if you help me kill Luke Skywa-"

"I don't want to kill anybody, don't you get it?" I stormed out of the room enraged.

"WAIT, V-," I was sick of listening to him. I ignored his shouts and rushed to my room. Sliding the door shut forcefully. I was just an apprentice. His puppet. In his control. He was making me do whatever he wants.

I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Who really am I? I took off the hair band in my hair and brushed it out. It looked pretty bad. One half of my hair reached my waist the other was down to my shoulder blades where Kylo ruined it.

There was only one thing to do. I grabbed my lightsaber and turned it on. Then grabbed all of my hair and burnt it off using the saber. I puffed my hair out. It was now as short as Kylo's own. The hairs were singed at the edges and they smelt like burnt paper; but I had never felt more liberated in my life.

55 reads in just a few days. Gahhh. I need a shock blanket like sherlock's. Thank you guys this means alot to me :')

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