Chapter 11: the past hurts

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I kicked the burnt hair that covered the bathroom tiles under the sink. Anger flared through my body all over again at that sight. Then I remembered punching him. My knuckles were stained with cold blood. It was just starting to dry up. I washed my hands with the odourless soap they provided here, just like everything else, it was plain.

I splashed my face with water. My shirt was soaking from the sweat. I needed to take a shower.I threw a towel on my shoulder and headed for my closet to grab a new shirt. I tugged on my shirt about to take it off as I walked out of the bathroom.

Kylo was sitting at the foot of my bed, staring at the bathroom door. I let out a squeal of surprise, letting go off the hem of my shirt. I threw my towel straight at him. It landed on his face and he took it off slowly. His jaw dropped, still staring at me. I crossed my hands over my chest subconsciously. He was acting really weird. "WHAT?" I finally said.

"Your hair," He averted his eyes and started fidgeting with his helmet realising that he had been locking eye contact for too long.

I rolled my eyes at him but couldn't resist running my hands through it once more. "What you think you're the only with glorious hair here?" This came out wrong. I broke My gaze and grabbed the shirt I wanted to change into, before I found him here. I couldn't see his facial expression, but I couldn't help but feel awkward. Glorious hair? What in galaxies was I thinking.

He didn't comment on my embarrassing statement. When I turned around he was still fidgeting with his helmet, now wiping what seemed to be blood traces from it. It looked beaten. Scratch marks and other small flaws tattooing it. The number of people whose lives ended looking at this helmet was probably uncountable. The memory of him raising his lightsaber at Castor crawled in again, but I shook it off.

"You came here for a reason,"I said coldly. I was uninterested by whatever he had to say, "What do you want".

Kylo opened his mouth then closed it. He was now tapping on the helmet, the noise was getting on my nerves. "You know what? Nevermind". Kylo stormed out of the roomleaving again baffled .

Why is it so hard to understand him?

Why is he so complicated?

Kylo wasn't the most talkative person I've ever met. He was certainly the least pleasent. He tries to hide it behind his helmet. But, his human side shows sometimes. He was not a droid. Even some droids can show compassion to others. He's been through pain. His face denied it but his eyes told the truth. Eyes always do, and it can't be controlled or hidden no matter how hard or how powerful that person is.

The scar accross His face had a story behind it. I got into the shower, shivering as the cold water ran down my spine, washing all the pain and soreness of the training. My thoughts were distracted by a memory similar to the dreams I've been having lately, and it wasn't a happy one. The story of how I first saw Kylo's scar.
It was getting immensely dark. I've been running for miles. Finally, I reached a small cottage. It was surrounded by sand. No other houses were in sight.

"Mother! Father! I am back!" I ran wildly waving my arms.

The cottage was small. I made my way to the door about to knock when it creaked slightly opening. The once full of energy house seemed to be dead silent.I strolled in slyly. Making sure not to produce any sound or noise. I slowly bent down. My heart was pounding against my chest.

"Honey! Our daughter is back," my mother came out. I got up and exhaled. I hugged her ignoring her abnormal high pitched tone.

My father ran at me and hugged me,cradling me slowly in his arms, as I sobbed in his chest. He cupped my face in his hands, wiping off my tears, he sounded shaky. "All the others are dead, I may be the only one left".

My parents looked at me with genuine concern. My mother was trying not to cry, she was twisting her apron in her hands nervously.

Something's not right. I can feel his prescence. But that's not possible. He's miles away. Unless... unless my master was killed.

I pushed myself out of my father's embrace gently. I reached to get my lightsaber. But, it was gone. I starting scanning my surroundings frantically.

No, I can't lose it. Not now!

He walked out from behind my bedroom door. It was true. Ben had turned to the dark side. He stood tall. His black clothing covering everything but his face.

His face.

A red scar.Still fresh, stood out on his face.

I backed away from my parents slowly.
"This fight is between you and me Ben, leave my parents out of it".

"You either join the darkside or die," my mother started sobbing. My father thankfully covered her mouth. Keeping Ben's attention focused towards me. "If you want to fight Ben, we'll do it outside,"

"My name is not Ben, its Kylo Ren," I flinched at the name still moving toward the door.

"What happened to you?" I asked to disgusted to even proccess that his name is gone for good.

"My eyes were opened. I saw where the real power lies," He was clutching his lightsaber his eyes boring at me, bloodthirsty.

My back hit the frame of the door. I took my opportunity, turning around and dashed out of the house running as fast away from it as possible, keeping him as far away as possible from my parents. It fortunately worked. He took off after me. I took one last look at the house. My mother collapsed at the door. My father stood helpless, his head held down with shame. I wished I could tell him I'll be fine.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOUR LUKE DID TO MY FACE!" His shouts echoed in the emptiness that surrounded.

He was holding a new lightsaber. One of an ancient design. One that hadn't been seen in decades. Nevertheless, it looked new. My heart ached to think that master Luke was dead.

He raised his lightsaber and charged towards me. But, someone fired at the arm he was holding his saber with injuring it. I looked up to see an x-wing, hovering above my head. "Jump in!" A voice commanded me. I grabbed their hand and climbed aboard, thanking them for saving my life.

"Luke told us to come get you. My name is nux. I am a resistance pilot. Luke went into hiding and we don't know where he is. But we are taking you to the resistance base".

I looked down to find my parents running away from Ben's limp body, and sighed with relief. At least no one else got harmed and my parents know that I am safe.
I opened my eyes, trying to let everything sink in.

I had parents.

The old man is called Luke.

I knew where the resistance base is.

And Kylo Ren is actually Ben.

Is anyone else excited for captain America:civil war or x-men apocalypse or doctor strange or finding dory or now you see me 2 or star trek beyond... etc. I think I'll be broke by the end of this year😂

If you want please tell me any advice on how to improve my writing. I'd like to learn :)

I did twist the story about his scar a little bit please don't be angry about it.. I do have a reason

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