Chapter 32: the great escape

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"Where are we heading to?" Gavin asked. We had been silent for what seemed like forever. I tried to focus on the task which was to get away from the base without being blown up and have our bodies burn with the plane.

"Where did your parents live?" I was pretty sure they would help us, and I needed supplies for the journey. I set a task for myself to find the resistance base and make sure everything is alright, after all I was the one to lead Kylo to them and who knows what happened to them.

"Jakku... I-I think so, the memory is fuzzy," he hesistated, but at least now I had a location to head to and a direction to follow.

"What's happening? Where am I?" Edd groaned at the back. He had fallen asleep from all the exhaustion. I felt bad everytime I looked at him, he looked terrible, and it was all because he was trying to help me.

"We're heading to Jakku, to find some help and get him home," I nodded towards Gavin acknowledging him, "this is Gav- uh I mean Quell by the way, he's my friend and he helped save us".

"Nice to meet you Quell and thank you for helping us," Edd shook hands firmly with Gavin and gave him a look of gratitude.

"You can call me Gavin I got so used to the name, and you must be the Edd she talks about all the time," Edd looked at me and his face became scarlet, a huge smile plastered across his face. They seemed to get along straight away which made the situation a lot more easier for me.

"How did you know where I was anyway Edd?" It struck me that he must've came alone all the way from Corellia just to get me out of the base.

"Well, Castor stopped talking and eating after you got caught. He couldn't forgive himself for what he had let happen to you, and after weeks and months he decided that he couldn't take it any longer and decided to come and get you. This happened weeks ago so I couldn't stop thinking about you and him when he didn't return. I tracked his plane and found his exact location, which I recognized as the starkiller but the only problem was how to land without getting caught. Fortunately, a few days later a plane barring the first order Mark landed and only one stormtrooper got out. I knocked him out and stole his outfit, don't ask how, then got on the plane and flew all the way to you," I listened to his story and couldn't help but feel awed by the fact that he did all this for me, just for me, I never would've imagined anyone doing all this on their own.

"speaking of Castor is he still back there?" There was worry in Edd's voice and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The mention of his name, was the thing that was needed to trigger the oncoming breakdown.

"I am- I am so sorry Edd I-I didn't know he-he- got -he got killed," I was speaking through unstoppable sobs as Gavin patted my back.

"It's not your fault Mala, here let me fly this thing for a while we are heading to Jakku right?" I nodded in response and backed away from the seat, even though he was trying to calm me down I sensed the sadness in his voice and the grieve in his heart. After all Castor was with him since the very beginning.

My sobbing soon died down, but the silence that hung in the plane was the worst. I could tell that Edd's mind was working, but I couldn't dare look inside. I guess I was too afraid to look, too scared of what I might find him thinking about. What if he was blaming me? What if he was thinking how I didn't deserve to be saved? How I could've let Castor die so easily?

"'re a jedi?" I was surprised by Edd's question, then I realised he saw me use the force to get Phasma to leave us alone.

"Um...maybe, I doubt that," I wasn't fit to be a jedi, not anymore. After I had stopped going by their many rules and beginning to question their purpose.

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