Chapter 23: Important

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After I ate my breakfast I spent the rest of the day following Kylo around the base. It wasn't what I expected he meant by 'finding something to do' but it was better than staying locked in that damned room. He managed to keep his head high, walking confidently, which was completely opposite of what I did most of my life. I never liked attention. It made me uncomfortable and I usually found conversing with others quite difficult, unless I am used to them.

We had lunch in his room again. Just the sight of the room reminded me of the hideous skull I had seen. Most of the time he was silent. I didn't try to talk to him at first, I was not the type who knows how to start a conversation well. It usually ended up being awkward and I'd find myself stuttering a lot. Thus, I had learnt to keep quiet, too scared I'd say something hurtful that would drive away the other person.

But now I am a different person. My timide side seemed to be fading away. It was being overshadowed by my new ignorance and anger. The conditions on the starkiller base were much harsher than the conditions on Corellia regardless of the cruelness and lack of affection there.

I finally gathered up my courage to speak out.

"Who does the skull in the closet belong to?" I wanted to kick myself. Out of all questions, I chose this one. But, I had to admit I was dying of suspense.

" grandfather," he said it without even showing the least bit of affection. His grandfather? Why would keep it? I stopped chewing my food and stared at Kylo without blinking. I remembered the first time I had accidentally read his thoughts. He seemed to be talking to his grandfather.

"You're staring again," he shook his head.

"Sorry I didn't realise," I averted my eyes and looked around the room trying to find something more interesting instead, "do you look up to him?"

"Yes, I am carrying on what he had started, and I will get it really soon," his tone was dead serious. It was his turn now to get lost in his thoughts. I was too frightened to ask him what he intended to get soon. Whatever it was, it didn't sound appealing.

"I sense that my presence is needed, I need to go," he got up, and wore his helmet before heading for the door. I stayed in my seat awkwardly, unsure what I should do, "are you coming or what?"

"Oh! Okay," I left the unfinished food tray on the small table and shuffled to him. The stormtroopers that passed by saluted him, some even saluted me. It was a new feeling. A feeling of authority, but it didn't feel quite right.

We reached the same meeting room that Hux dragged Gavin and I into in the middle of the night before to try to persuade Kylo to get rid of me. Only this time, it was filled with more people, grimly sitting and looking at the hologram at the centre of the table.

There heads turned towards usas soon as we stepped in. They all seemed to look past Kylo and I felt all eyes landing on me, as if I was some kind of imposter.

"Master of the knights of Ren," the only man who seemed to be standing up called out, "we've been waiting for you".

"Yes I know," his robotic breath was the only sound in the room. The atmosphere was tense and some of them were glancing at Kylo every now and then uneasily.

Kylo moved and sat at the very end of the table. He folded his arms and waited for the man to speak. The man knitted his eyebrows and moved his eyes to me.

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