Chapter 28: The task

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I trained as hard as I can and nearly regained all my lost strength by the time the day of the task came. Through the training process I would learnt new strategies for fighting all day and them test abilities and my progress in the afternoons. The only breaks I got were five minute breaks, scattered throughout the day. There was no time to and check how Gav- Quell was doing.

The night of the task I was restless despite Kylo's advice to save all my energy for tomorrow. I couldn't get my mind to figure out what I'll be doing, and where my fate stands if I fail to do it.

The day came and I got out of bed, leaving all my thoughts behind. I jumped into the shower and let the cold water land against my bare back forcing me to stay awake and making me alert.

After eating breakfast as fast as lightening, I made sure my lightsaber was on me, and tied my hair in a small knot, now that it was slightly longer than before.

I clutched the paper Kylo gave me yesterday to be able to reach the destination where I was to be tested, making sure I avoided getting lost.

My heart beat was getting louder with every step I took. The dark thoughts I had trapped in the back of mind were unleashed once more, telling me that I was not up to the challenge.

"Let your anger take control," Ren's voice echoed in my brain, overwhelming the dark thoughts. This wasn't what I wanted. To reach the top based on the fear of others from me due to my anger. This wasn't the place where I belong.

Finally, I confronted the keypad of another metallic door, and punched in the code written in Kylo's messy handwriting. The room was lighted shockingly bright compared to the rest of the locations in the starkiller base.

In the corner of my eye I saw Kylo observing me through his helmet. I took out lightsaber and scanned my bearings. There was no furnishing and no equipment anywhere in sight. Yet something was wrong, I activated the lightsaber and whipped around.

A figure in a dark hooded cloak stood patiently, waiting for an order. With a swish of Kylo's hand the figure attacked, leaping on body. I ducked just in time to avoid clashing into the figure.

"What do I do?" I asked Kylo panic bubbling up my throat.

"Fight him," this wasn't the new Kylo. It was a psychopath turning me against that stranger.

"No, I won't fight him. I don't even know who he is," I dodged another blow from the man, running to the other side of the room.

"YOU HAVE TO MALA," Kylo's rage threatned me, he was trying to remind me what would happen if I were to fail.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, BUT I WON'T FIGHT THIS MAN," my fury was rising, my temper battling his.

The man took a lightsaber from a pocket in his hood slashing it towards my throat as he powered it.

"THIS MAN WANTS TO KILL YOU," Kylo was trying to pull some sense into my brain, but I refused to injure anyone else. I didn't have any right to do so anyway.

I blocked his blow using my own lightsaber, but refused to do otherwise. The duel lasted on with nothing more than me, retreating defensively as that stranger attempted to kill me.

I got tired of running around, and so did the man of chasing me. He grunted as he lifted his red saber and sent it landing on my own blade with so much force it was knocked out of my hands.

I started at him in horror as he approached me. He got ready to spear me with his weapon, I forced my eyes shut, awaiting the pain.

I heard another grunt and a loud clear thud right beside my huddled body. I opened my eyes to find Kylo breathing heavily over the man's dying body.

I shuffled closer to the man's head to see his face. It was still hidden by the hood. Kylo took notice of my actions, as I slowly got closer to the man.

"Mala, please don't," Kylo's voice was shaking with anxiousness. He took off his helmet and threw it far away, "Listen to me, don't do it please".

"Who is he?" I inquired.

"I-I... Mala... You can't... You'll... " he either forgot what speech was or he was avoiding my question.

"WHO IS HE?" I trembled.

"Mala? is... is that you?" The voice came from the man. It was awfully familiar. But, I didn't want to make the connection.

"oh my... no, NO!" I removed the hood away from his face to reveal it. The face I longed to see ever since I arrived here, "C-Castor no".

I embraced his dying body my head resting on his head, feeling every struggling breath he took against my cheek. I reached out and felt the wound straight into his chest.

"Please, please Castor don't do this. Don't leave me here alone I am scared of this place. I want you to stay so I could protect you, please. I-you are the most important person to me in this universe. There isn't anyone in this world that could replace you, so I beg you stay with me. You are the one that kept me alive. Let me return the favor damn it," my tears fell onto his greying hair, as I cradled his shivering body.

"I am sorry Mala, I should've told you that everyday.I wanted to keep you safe I saw something special in you, and I failed to tell you how strong you are, you were the daughter I never had," his whole body was getting colder, his hands interwined with mine as the blood was drawn out of his body.

"Castor you were the father I never considered, or took notice of, but you'll be fine I promise, you'll get up soon and-and you'll train me how to fly the x-wing just like the old," I tried to laugh through the pain then glanced to see his face, "Castor I... Castor? CASTOR!" His name echoed against the room's walls. His slumped head was lying on my lap. My heart was being pulled out of my chest and being stabbed over and over just looking at him.

His eyes were still boring into mine witb such care,"But, you taught me if I fall to get back up, why won't you get back up castor? It's not fair," I whispered staring at my blood stained hands, and the floor now drenched in the dark red liquid.

My eyes darted up towards Kylo whose eyes were red. I left Castor's body reluctantly, and walked to Kylo. Before he could speak, the back of my hand landed on his face leaving it stained with blood of the man he murdered in vain. My lips startted trembling, trying to hold back the tears that were blurring my vision.

"I HATE YOU," I landed another slap on his face followed by a punch that made him cripple to the ground. He placed a hand over his face protectively as I kicked him blindly, "I TRUSTED YOU".

"Vanity... please," I managed to hear him whisper.

"My name is Vanity Chance Nightsinger and I am here to train to be a jedi," I beamed at luke skywalker.

Oh snap... sorry I am really bad at writong death scenes... please don't hate me *hides behind desk*

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