Chapter 3: The first order

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The pain in the back of my head was unbearable and the ringing in my ears seemed to be louder than usual. My whole body was aching and my eyes refused to open. I was disturbed by a deep humming sound I could feel the source is right next to my left ear. I felt sweat rolling down my face. Why am I sweating in winter? Where am I?

I finally opened my eyes but the light was too strong. I turned to look away only to be greeted by the red light radiating from the weapon, only a few inches from my left ear. I gasped and raised my head to see the man standing in front of me. He looked at me, through his helmet or I think he did, it was hard to tell. Then, he put away his weapon, I exhaled with relief.

I was tied to metal restrains, that secured my legs and hands in place. The cold metal pressed against my back. The room was circular with metallic walls. They were scarred, melted in some places and I didn't need someone to tell me how these scars got there.

"Where am I? " I found myself asking. I was surprised to hear my own voice, it was weak but confident and steady, "and Who are you?"

His breathing was getting deeper and louder." You know who I am, your mind tricks will not work on me."

"No really, I don't know who you are, I don't know where I am and I don't know why I am here!" My voice rose unintentionally.

The next thing I knew was that I couldn't breath. My head felt like it was being crushed over and over again. My heart was beating out of chest. I tried to grab my head, but the restrains were too tight. I shut my eyes and let ths tears roll down as I slammed my head against the metal I lied against repeatedly hoping that the pain would go away.

Memories flooded my head one after the other starting from when Castor found me. My worst fear was coming true, my life was being exposed. My memories, my secrets, my thoughts... everything. I was helpless.

Then, it was gone just like that. I looked at him his hands extended towards my forehead. I was furious. "How dare you do this to me, I... " I wanted to finish my sentence but his arms were extended again restricting my movements and silencing me.

"Foolish girl," he screamed at me," no one dares speak to me like that".

"I don't even know who you are!" At this point it felt pointless to ask him he was never going to tell me anything I wanted.

I bet he's just whining old man in his fifty's, I thought to myself. I looked up again to see his back given to me. He was removing his helmet slowly. When he turned around I found out how deeply mistaken I was. He had pale skin with a few freckles on his face and his neck. He had a long face and wide black eyes. His hair was black and it was shoulder length. It made my hair look like an animal's tail which was kind of unfair. Why does he get to have nice hair?

I saw as his mouth flinched. Then he walked to me. "I am going to pretend that I believe you lost your memory, but you will tell me where the resistance base is,"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him in disbelief, "I don't know what you're talking about"

"LIAR!" he reached for his light saber and ingnited it.

Light saber.
How did I know what it's called?

I looked at him unbothered by the weapon in his hand. "If you want to kill me, go ahead. I have nothing to lose now," I said while shutting my eyes. These words seemed to have calmed me down. My whole body seemed to relax as I exhaled slowly. A sense of peacefullness seemed to take over my body.

I heard him growl and saw him throw the light saber on the ground. He leaped at me grasping my neck between his hands, sucking the life out of me. My eyes rolled up and I thought that this will be the end of my life. But fortunately, he was interrupted by a soldier in white uniform and a helmet obscuring his face. More helmets, great! He walked in nervously, taking small steps.

"Master Ren, you're wanted in the meeting room," he said quietly.

Ren grabbed his helmet and told him to go outside. I don't know if it was my imagination, but I think he tried to hide his face from the soldier. He snapped the helmet on and pointed at me "I am not done with you yet." Then he marched out of the room leaving me coughing and gasping for air, his hand marks still fresh around my neck.
After what seemed like hours he returned to the room and punched the area right beside my head. "If you don't tell the truth I will kill you"

"Again, don't you get bored from asking the same question over and over?" I whined. "Why can't you answer some of my questions,"

He took off his helmet again. I turned away ready for him to bash at me. Instead he started answering all my questions one after the other "my name is Kylo Ren, I am the commander of the first order. You are now on the starkiller and you are here because you were aiding a rebel,"

My jaw dropped open and I froze in this position for minutes trying to process everything he just said. "But, I didn't help.. "

He cut me off and answered my question before I said it. He seemed to be reading my mind "Castor".

My eyes widened with shock. "I never knew anything about a rebel base. I just saw you threatening the person who saved my life multiple times so I tried to stop you," I defended myself, "and what kind of name is starkiller anyway did you run out of names," I immediately regretted saying this. But that's my problem I am too honest.

Kylo looked at me gritted his teeth and put on his helmet, leaving me again alone in this room with nothing to do but stare at the wall and think about how doomed I am.

Hello! Today I wrote two chapters. And I will try my best to update once a day at least. Anyway Mala looks like she's in alot of trouble... I'll try to come up with a plot twist I promise.

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