Chapter 16: Friend or Foe

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I spent the next few days in the infirmary. Kylo didn't visit me again after our last talk. The wound took its time to heal. The treatment was worse than the injury. I spent the nights whimpering in pain. I found it difficult to sleep anyway because of the noises in the other rooms.

I was glad when I was finally allowed to leave. I got back to my room and collapsed in the bed, inhaling the scent of the newly changed bed sheets. I grabbed one of the black shirts from the closet and grey shorts. Then, headed to the shower.The cold water ran down my spine washing away the ache and rage that filled me.

As I towel dried my hair I heard a knock on the door "come in Kylo,"

But, Kylo didn't walk in. A stormtrooper did. He entered the room head bowed low, fidgeting with his blaster. I twisted the towel above my short hair, "who are you?"

"I am the person who got you back here after you've been shot ma'am,"

"Oh," I tried to find words to explain my gratitude towards him but, I didn't seem to find any. I walked towards him and found myself embracing him. "Thank you". Without his help I would've been dead.

He stood awkwardly trying to figure out what he should do. I let go of him and walked away the heat rising up my body making me blush "sorry, I just couldn't find anything to thank you enough"

"Oh no no its fine ma'am,"

"What's your name then my savior, " I cringed at myself for saying that. I wanted to kick myself, crawl in a hole and die from embarassement. I only made the situation more awkward.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. He still had his helmet on, so I couldn't see his face, "GN-3422"

"Wait are you-"

"Yes I am the one you saved from being choked by master Ren," he interuptted "I heard your scream when we were on Tatooine so I ran to help you ma'am"

I couldn't help but smile at him. He sounded very much like me when I was trying to protect Castor as pay back for saving my life. "But what's your real name? And you can call me Mala".

"I don't know they erase our memories as soon as we walk through the front door," he said while shaking his head slightly"I don't know anything about my past life not my family or friends not even my age".

"Tell me about it," I said rolling my eyes. But, I knew about my family and friends and wished that I hadn't. "GN- Hey what if I call you Gavin?"

"Sounds great ma'am... uh... Mala,"

"Is it okay if you show me your face," curiousty built up in my body. I really wanted to know what he looked like. He hesitated at first but, then took off his helmet. Gavin was young. Still in his youth. I'd say he was twenty years old. His skin was fair his eyes as brown as the ground's damp soil in spring. His face was round, with buzz cut black hair. The small grin etched on his face made me hate this place a little less.

"Why do they ask you to wear these helmets all the time?"

"We are reluctant not to show emotions," he responded, "and we are all treated equally thanks to them,"

"Doesn't seem like it,"I glaring at Phasma as she passed by the room's open door. As soon as Gavin saw her he threw his helmet on and got up, straightening his back.

Phasma glanced at my door to see him standing there. "What are you doing there?Go report for reconditioning "She demanded raising her voice.

Gavin started walking but I placed my hand on his armoured chest. I stood in front of him backing him up, "I called him,"

"Who are you exactly?"she asked obviously not satisfied.

"Just someone with higher authority than you,"I glared at her narrowing my eyes "Now get out of my room!"

Phasma stood get feet planted in the ground baffled by my reaction. I raised my eyebrows at her. She turned around and stomped out of the room angrily. Her thoughts mainly consisted of language I cannot bare to say here.

Gavin fell off his feet from laughter. I rarely saw anyone here gave me a second glance. Seeing him laugh made me feel better. But, his laughter drowned slowly. He looked at me through his helmet then said "she's going to tell general Hux,"

I shrugged at him. General Hux had no authority over me either. In fact I don't think anyone here does. But, what about him? "Don't worry I won't let them do anything to you,"I blurted out.

"Uh... thanks I guess... I appreciate it," He said as I pulled him off the ground, "I have to go to training now, but I'll see you around okay?"

"sure!" I watched as matched formally out of the room. I couldn't get how they could stand walking around like this all day. I threw the towel off of my hair. The damp edges tickled my cheeks. I brushed it out and left it to dry.

I decided to go do some training in the room. I don't know how many days I was lying in the infirmary. But, it seemed like forever since I held the lightsaber. I grabbed the familiar hilt of the blazing weapon. It send surges of energy into my body.

I headed to the training room, earning a few stares from the stormtroopers. It genuinely confused me, until I noticed my bandage was showing. Some of them nodded respectfully at me. I smiled in return raising my chin up with pride. I was a warrior. I didn't let the small injuries stop me from fighting. I fell down, but I got back up.

When I reached the training room I stood there in shock. It was wrecked. The whole room. Every inch of the room was signed by Kylo 's lightsaber. I entered and got down on my knees trying to clear up some space to be able to practice my fighting, ignoring the growing pain in my side.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder then, the someone pulling me up gently. I looked around to see Kylo standing with his helmet off. "What are you doing?"

"Practicing?" I said while scrunching my face. Holding the two scraps of metal that were on the ground up as I do so.

Kylo loooked at me then shook his head. "You're still not fully healed".

I frowned narrowing my eyes at him. "What happened to if I was in your place I would keep on fighting," I mimicked his voice.

He didn't respond. His eyes bore into mine staring at me for what seemed like forever. I rolled my eyes at him. He seemed to drift away alot. I bent over and picked up my lightsaber which was lying on the ground.

"I know its painful, I've been shot like you before but, on the left side".

"So you can feel?" I smirked at him. But he simply knitted his eyebrows and turned away. I felt guilty about what I said so I grabbed his arm "I am sorry Kylo".

He huffed slowly, "its okay".

"Why did you do all this?" I said gesturing the room.

"I was angry, " he looked away shamefully.

"You can talk to me about it,"

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" I was startled by his reaction. I started to back away only to trip and fall down of the debris covering the floor. "I DON'T NEED YOU OR ANYONE ELSE".

I raised my eyes at him. Shaking my head slightly. Kylo snapped his helmet back on and left me in the room as confused as ever.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sooooooo sorry. But the exams are so stressful. The English exam was about honeybees for some reason...
Anyway I'll try to update as soon as I can. 😭😭

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