Chapter 19: The man in the dream

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The stars shone brightly as I stood in the open air of the approaching spring. After conversing with Kylo I didn't want to get stuck again in the room. I grabbed a long coat that was hidden behind the piles of clothes cornered carelessly in the closet. It took a lot of effort to open the great metal gates. But it was worth it.

The royal blue sky was decorated with white diamonds of all shapes and sizes. Some of them possibly had life on their surface. There were never as many stars visible on Corellia. It was a relief to finally escape from the formal atmosphere of the starkiller base. I wondered what would happen if I ran away. If I started depending on myself to live rather than others. If I just let everything go. Even death seemed to be a better option than living here. But, it would also mean the death of others.

Stormtroopers were circling the perimeter in the distance but they didn't bother me. I heard the door creak loudly behind me. My instincts told me to hide. I found a corner in the shadows and retreated slowly into the darkness. My cloak dragged on behind me, erasing any footprints that I had created in the melting snow. It was difficult for me to see properly but, I could tell it was Phasma and General Hux.

"I want you to get rid of her Phasma," General Hux spoke out.

"But sir, Master Ren would-" Phasma's voice was panicking. She was trying to reason with Hux.


"I can't do it, please sir, Master Ren would kill me," Phasma was pleading Hux, desperate to get out of this little plan. I knew he was talking about me. As much as I despised Phasma, I felt sorry for her. After all she was similar to the other troopers, just following orders.

I found the courage to step out and face Hux, his back was to me but Phasma has already noticed my presence. She shyed away. Hux got the hint and turned to look at who was intruding. "If you want to dispose of me, do it yourself you coward, leave Phasma out of it,"

Hux gritted his teeth and gulped. I could tell he was nervous, knowing what exactly I can do to him. He stood motionless and speechless.I looked over at Phasma and said"Go back to roaming around Phasma, leave us alone," to my surprise she listened. She made her way back into the base obediently. I don't know whether it was the force or just Phasma.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Hux was furious. He took out a blaster camouflaged by the dark fabric of his coat and fired it straight at me. I ignited my saber just in time. Sparks flew as his shot came in contact with my green blaze. It flew back in his direction, injuring him just above his right knee.

"Don't underestimate me," I said as I used the force to take his blaster from his hand. He had fallen to the ground. The look of hate still on his face. I just hurt another person, what's happening to me? I left Hux on the ground and threw his blaster in the distance to make sure it's out of his reach. I Lifted my cloak now soaked with water from the melting snow and turned away from Hux.

"No one remembers you, but I do, I remember the very first time I saw you. You think your plans will work, but I am telling you now, you will die trying, you won't win," he struggled as he spoke.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I had no idea what he was talking about. But, I went along with it, force choking him, as his feet dangled in the air, "I believe I just did," I dropped Hux once more and jogged back all the way to my room.

How can he know me?  Does that mean I have been here before? What plan was he talking about? What did I get myself into? Am I a monster?

The questions twisted and turned in my head. But I had no answers and no one to answer me. Defeated I took off the cloak and put it on the chair to let it dry and I allowed myself drift off into my dreams once more.
The engine of the plane roared loudly.I huddled up hugging the stray blaster I found, praying the pilot doesn't notice me. I was crammed in due to the size of the plane. But it didn't matter I had to bring him back before he gets himself killed.

The sound of the fight didn't die out as soon as I thought.  I hoped that nothing too bad would happen.

"There's too many of the enemy. We can't fight them all! We're being overwhelmed," the pilot was screaming into his earpiece. In return getting messages of reassurance from his colleagues.

I heard a loud crash then the plane started shuddering. "I AM DOWN, GO ON WITHOUT ME. THE PLANE IS CRASHING, THEY HIT THE RIGHT WING!"

I placed a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. We were losing altitude dangerously fast. I shut my eyes and hoped it would end as quickly as we were falling.

The force of the crash was strong enough to knock the air out of my lungs. Shrapnel flew everywhere, one piece gashing my forehead  open. I jumped out of the plane and tried to find the non-existent pulse of the pilot. He was certainly dead. The explosions in the background were fiercer than before the ground below me was shaking uncontrollably.

I limped weakly trying to find any sign of life. The planes above me hovering away from the cursed star. It was falling apart. I squinted my eyes, to find a dark mass stranded on the restless ground. I staggered towards the motionless body. It was a man, drenched in his own dark blood.

"BEN!" I screamed as I fell into the snow weakly beside him. "Why did you do that to yourself? Why? " blood was streaming from a new wound on his face. The ground was crumbling around us. I caught glimpse of the millenium falcon flying away, just as another ship landed beside Kylo's unconcious body and I.

A man in a black militarily suit marched out along with two stormtroopers, who carried Ben away silently, as the man stood evaluating me. "Get her,"he pointed at me to the two stoemtroopers who carried my numb body to the ship. I was too weak to fight back.
The realisation was enough to wake me up. The man in the dream... that man was Hux.

Why didn't I start this book earlier?  *Slaps myself* I have so manyyy ideas...hopefully I'll update soon

Also I found this ^^ and couldn't stop laughing at it

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Also I found this ^^ and couldn't stop laughing at it.

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