Chapter 8: Just like him

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The rain was hammering against my shoulder. People were rushing past me. They looked terrified. The trees surrounding the area fell one after the other. Nearly crushing the citizens to death.

An army of stormtroopers marched in and started firing on any moving target. Thankfully, they didn't injure anyone. The city was in ruins. The once massive castle was now flatten to the ground by the army. I stood firmly were I was blocking their shots with a lightsaber in my hand.

"Ben! Don't do that" a woman's voice similar to the one from my previous dream shouted. The source of the sound came from behind so I took a few steps backwards protecting her from the stormtroopers. A tall figure was walking toward us. But the shadows of the trees remaining covered his face, making it hard for me to make out his features in details.


What's this sound?


Was that an explosion?

Thump, thump thump.
I raised my head from the pillow my head still distinguishing the difference between reality and dream.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Someone had veen knocking on my door impatiently and I ignored it thinking it was a dream.

I got up from bed. Yawning lazily and slid the door open. It was Kylo. "What's wrong?" My brain hadn't started functioning yet. I stood in my place swaying backwards and forward. It seemed to be a habit now. It was my only comfort. Which reminded me how miserable my life became.

"Get dressed, we're going to start your training early today." I scrunched my face and closed one eye, blurring my vision. I needed more rest.

"I'll wait for you outside," It always baffled me how someone could act so indifferent. But, I guess this place sucks all emotions, leaving you with only angerness and hatred and hunger for control. I never understood why people care so much about their status and power over others. It only generated greed, making more of the power never seem to be enough.

I grabbed one of the shirts I had ripped the sleeves off and a pair of grey linen pants. Kylo eyed me from head to toe then shook his head. I crossed my arms, waiting for him to condemn. But he just indicated with his finger for me to follow him.

He took me through another tangle of the infinite number of corridors in the base. On the way, I saw fighter planes lined up. Being polished and cleaned. I was drawn to them subliminally. I don't think I have ever seen this type of plane before. Or have I?

The plane wings as oddly as it seems were vertical to the ground. Each wing parallel to other. The pilot seat was in the centre of small round sphere between the two wings.

"MALA!" Kylo called out to me"Shut your mouth you're going to draw flies in". I snapped back to reality and closed my mouth quickly. I felt the heat draw upnto my fave in embarassment. I must've looked really stupid.

As he took me further into the halls. My mind started wandering back to the dream. By this time it had faded. I could only remember vague details. But, one detail stood out in my brain. Ben.

"What did you say?" Kylo stopped in his tracks. I nearly ran into him.

"I didn't say anything," I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I thought you said B-" Kylo shook his head then said "nevermind,"

He was still reading my thoughts. I wanted to learn how to block him out just as bad as he wants me to learn how to fight.

At last, we reached a huge door. It was at least 20 metres high. He used the force to open it. He made the job look really easy even though the door looked like it weighed at least a tonne.

The wind was howling, running between the snow-covered tree branches in the distance, rustling them producing a bitter sweet symphony. Kylo pushed me out into the freezing harsh weather. Snow covered the whole landscape, which stretched at least a few miles.

I knew now why he looked at my clothes with disapproval. I rubbed my hand against my arms to warm them up.

"You have to learn to use the force even in the harshest of times". Kylo said reaching for his lightsaber, making me instantly reach out for mine.

I tried to activate it. My hands were shaking awfully. I looked at Kylo my eyes begging him not to make me do this, "Kylo... please".

"I have to do this", he said activating his own lightsaber. He jabbed the point of the weapon at my side. I avoided just in time. But the snow made my feet sink. I was startled falling face first into the snow. It was chilling. The snow against my face was so cold that it burnt. I picked myself up quickly like Castor has taught me, and felt the hilt of the saber grow warm in my palms as I turned it on.

Through shattering teeth I charged at him. But the snow made my movement uneven. Kylo moved out of the way easily. My inertia still carried me forward. The storm was getting more vicious every second. I looked at my hands, which were paler than death. My fingernails were starting to turn blue.

"How... how.. long are we going to... to stay here?"I asked trying to raise my shattering voice over the wind.

"Until you learn how to use the force properly". Kylo himself looked cold even with the layers of clothing he probably had on. His words rang through my ear. Until you learn to use the force. I was going to be stuck here until I die from a frostbite. My first encounter with snow was going to be the last.

Kylo stood waiting for me to do the first move. I dropped the lightsaber and glared at him. This was the last straw. I extended my hand toward his throat and focused all my energy around his neck, lifting him off the ground. I could see his eyes were stinging with tears. His face turning the slightest shade of blue. You're going to kill him if you don't stop soon.

I let go of his body and he fell to the ground gasping for breath. I looked at my hands now shaking vigorously. " I don't want to become a heartless monster like you,"I whispered as the tears were at the verge of pouring out "why are you doing this?"

I got up top leave, having finally proven myself to him, still shocked and disappointed my own actions. Suddenly, I was flinged back to the ground. Kylo's eyes raging at me with murder.

Hi guys I hope my writing skills aren't going downhill don't forget to vote if you like the story please (but you don't have to of course its your choice)

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