Chapter 18: Changeable

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The thoughts and the dread made the 'meeting' end faster than I had expected. But, it didn't end well. Kylo got frustrated and lashed out his lightsaber in every direction. I was lucky to stop him at the last minute before he hurt Gavin, who stood motionless despite the danger. His breaths audible and shallow. I grabbed him by the arm and started making my way out of the room.

"Mala," Kylo was speaking softly. But that didn't stop me. I left the tense silence of the room and took Gavin back to his room. His whole body was trembling.

"You're like him," his voice was shaking. He almost seemed to be whispering. I cringed at the words. Like him. They came down like a blade, hurting me more than they should have. I never wanted to be like him.

"I am not like him, I promise you, I just share the same powers as him," I unintentionally sounded defensive.

"I thought you were a pilot or something," he continued.

"I a- I was going to be a pilot before I came here,"

"Wait, so they let you keep your memories?" There was a new look in his eyes one filled with jealousy and envy. A look of betrayal.

"Well I lost all my memories before I even came here. They didn't have anything to get from me. No family and almost no friends. But now I have you. You seem to be the only one that actually cares here,"

"But, how did you get here in the first place," the envy switched up to fascination. His dark pupils dilating.

"Oh that's a long story I'll tell it to you done other time you need to rest." I said laying him gently down on the bed as he yawned without protesting, then headed to my room.

Just as I walked out of Gavin's dormitory I saw a dark figure shifting around a corner. I didn't need anybody to tell me it was Kylo. I had no doubt he was listening to my conversation with Gavin. But I didn't care. Not anymore.

That night I fell asleep but I remained restless.

"Finn I am coming with you," I said

"No! You can't, he knows you too well," Finn a dark skinned guy wearing a leather jacket was talking to me.

"Did general Leia tell you that already?"

"Yes and she told me that you need to stay here to be safe,"

"I want to help you save Rey your friend," the word was already spreading quickly about her in the base. I was sick of laying useless around.

"Don't worry kid we've got it,"another voice came from behind me.

"Han!" I ran into the old man's arms trying to recall the last time I've seen him. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since-" I didn't finish my sentence. The pain Han's face made my heart ache. I couldn't imagine the loss he bares and what he's been through.

"We've got to go before the sun sets,"Finn interrupted the silence.

"STAY SAFE!" I shouted over the engines of the planes. They waved back at me and as soon as they left I ran to one of the planes hiding in the back part, to make sure I don't get caught. I was willing to put up a fight.

I woke up as usual with all my energy drained away from me. I ran my fingers through my hair and down to my bare neck. The sleep depriviation was something that became part of my lifestyle. It didn't really bother me anymore.

I pulled away the sheets and went to the other side of the room to find my usual snack prepared for me. I devoured it mercilessly before grabbing the leftovers and heading to the training room. However, Kylo had already beaten me there. His eyes were unusually shadowed. His face was even paler than usual. I was surprised to even see him turn up for practice.

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