Chapter 27: Lost and found

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He remembered.

That's why his face looked worried when he found out I can read minds. For how long has he been hiding this for me I had no idea. Thus it seemed like he didn't trust me enough. If I took notice of this now, it wasn't going to take Kylo any time at all to find out. I shook him gently to wake him up and he jolted up.

"Mala! What happened?" He gritted his  teeth, the pain visible on his face.

"Well, Kylo controlled your mind to get me to talk to him, then you started running towards me so, he panicked and accidentally impaled you with his lightsaber," I tried to maintain my eye contact. Every time I looked at him I saw how much he resembled his parents. He had his mother's round face and his father's dark brown eyes, and his physique too.

"Why are you acting so weirdly Mala?" He noticed me fidgeting with my fingers, a habit I did when I was nervous.

"I-I you... you were... calling your mother in your sleep," I lied, hoping he didn't notice my abnormal tone.

"Oh no, please don't tell master Ren, I-I don't want my memory wiped again," the tears welled up in his eyes. I felt the sadness settle deep down into my heart, he was aching to keep the only thing he rightfully owned here, a memory of his family, but he was scared to lose the only thing he possessed.

"Gavin, I would never. I promise tho keep him away from you as much as I can. But let's is not dwell on too much hope. You must be careful," I was willing to protect him. To return every favour he has ever done for me.

"Please call me Quell," he said with a grin that spread from ear to ear. I tried to act as surprised as I can, as if his new name was a shocking discovery to me.

"My pleasure Quell, but you need to rest now," I laid his head softly on the pillow and got up to let him rest.

"Bye Quell, keep fighting strong one," I whispered.

I took a promise, that I am not sure I can keep. But, I was to fight whoever stood in my way and tried to make me break that promise. I knew I was strong enough to do that. I just needed to find a way, and there is always a way, if you search hard enough.

The next day, I had training with Kylo again. I dragged myself out of bed and tried to brush out my tangled hair hopelessly. After giving up I rushed out of the room knowing I was late as usual.
Kylo was waiting impatiently for me. His body wad hunched with exhaustion and his eyes were fatigued.

"Mala, there is still so much light in you," he went straight to the point, without even taking a second glance at me or asking how I was doing.

"What's wrong with that?" The lightside was everything opposite of anger and selfishness.

"Snoke can sense it and he is not pleased about it," Kylo scratched his head and ruffled his hair before continuing, "he warned me that if I can't train you and make you faithful to the first order then I might as well just get rid of you".

"It's something I just can't help, I mean what can I do about it?" I asked defensively.

"He wants me to asess you after three days. If you fail to show your faith, the consequences will be harsh," he placed both hands on my arms,"three days is all we have".

"Can I at least know what the task is?" There was a hint of fear in my voice, and I had to admit I was frightened of Snoke,  after all nothing good ever came from him.

"No, he forbade me to say anything about it, " Kylo shook his head helplessly.

I breathed lightly,  trying to focus all my will power to go into his mind. But, it was bolted shut.

"I am sorry Mala, I can't let you inside,  it's too dark for you in there," he lowered his hands from my arms and walked towards the table, resting his palms on the table so that the tension showed off his muscles, "I want to ask you one thing though. I don't want you to hate me after all of it is over".

"Why?" My voice came out distorted.

"You'll find out soon enough," he replied, "now let's start your training we will work really hard the next few days".

We spent the whole day in the practice chamber. He taught me how to properly grip the lightsaber,  and how to deflect fast swings, guiding me and answering my questions. He was finally teaching me.

By the time we finished every inch of my body was aching. My muscles were stiff from the exercises Kylo made me do. I crashed into my bed thankful that the day is over and carelessly fell asleep.
I squirmed and kicked under the stormtroopers' arms trying to free myself. The huge ship that had taken Kylo and I off the ground was now far away from the fallen man made star.

"You will not be able to escape, we are in the middle of space, you have nowhere to go," Hux smirked with amusement.

"What do you want from me? "

"Why were you next to Kylo's body when we found you? " the smug look on his face vanished immediately.

"I found a wounded body I didn't know it was his I-"

"There is no point in lying child,"he interrupted.

"I AM NOT LYING," I screamed out.

"Restrain her and...teach her a lesson," the twisted smile was back on his face and I watched him walk away as the stormtroopers dragged me away.

I was tortured continually. They tied me to a chair and took turns to beat me up, leaving me with no food out water to drink.

Days later, after I lost count and hope to escape someone else walked into the where they held me captive.I prepared myself by turning my head away from the person. But no blows ever struck me.

"Look who decided to show up," it was a robotic voice. I looked up to see a tall man standing before me. His back arched just the like way Ben used to stand.

"Ben... "my croaked voice manages.

"It's Kylo now," he said grimly.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I have to and ask no more questions," Kylo warned me, "now where is the resistance base?"' I shook my head in response.

"Fine you want it the hard way I'll do it the hard way," he extended his arm and pain shot through my head, he kept at this position for more than five minutes then finally gave up. He left the room marching furiously out, he clearly failed to get the information out of my mind.

He returned later with two other men drenched in black clothing just like him,  I revognised them as the knights of Ren.The three extended their arms towards my head, I screamed loudly, louder than I ever had. I felt the location of the base slip away from my  mind and swim into theirs.

"No," I groaned before passing out, leaving them victorious.
The impact on my head was what caused me to lose my memories. It was Kylo after all. It was always him.

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