Chapter 14: Tatooine

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I spent the night star gazing. The galaxies that burst with life were scattered all over the place. There were so many that I had lost count. The experience detached me from my grief temporarily. This was the very first time for me to fly so high up.

I remembered my flights in the x-wing back on Corellia and how awe-inspiring the land looked from above. I thought that this was my limit. That I could never get past the barrier standing between me and space. That I would never see it ior experience it.

We seemed to be moving away from the starkiller base slowly. I didn't know where we were heading and it scared the life out of me not to be able to know. I had a fear of the unknown. It was unpredictable. Sometimes fatal.

I remembered when I first met Kylo on Corellia. He was a complete stranger. He looked mysterious to the eye. I thought he would be utterly ruthless. That he could overpower me easily. But, his look had me defied. He isn't as powerful as he seems.

I couldn't tell whether it was day or or if its still night time. Time seemed to pass more slowly here. The finalizer was consumed by the beautiful darkness of the space surrounding it. The distant stars were the only source of light.

As I stared out if the window I found that we were getting closer to a planet. I hated not knowing what we were going to do.

We? Since when did they become we?

I pursed my lips and starting chewing on the bottom one impatiently. Kylo couldn't force me to fight. I wasn't one of his toy soldiers. But then again if I don't do what he asks me to do he'll kill Castor, and he'd already done that to my parents.

I tried to imagine a life where I was free. Nothing to bother me. Not the first order or the resistance. Somewhere in a galaxy far far away from here. I wanted to run away and hide from my problems. But that was the coward way out. It wasn't an option.

Finally, the ship landed gracefully on the planet's surface. It was still dusk. The land seemed to be surrounded sand from every corner. But the noises coming from the busy markets was already audible from the distance. I could recognise it wherever I go.

I felt Kylo coming to the room so I opened the door before he even reached out to knock on it. He was holding a piece of black cloth in his hand. "We are on Tatooine, you're coming with me outside," I gave him a single nod and waited for him to move so that I could follow him. He seemed to be thinking deeply, as the only sound im the room was of his respirator.

I watched for a few minutes as his chest rose and fell in sync with his deep breaths then said, "are we going to stay here forever?"

"Huh? No. But, you need to wear this," he extended his arms offering the dark folded cloth to me.

I huffed and snatched it from his hand. It was hooded similar his cape, and it was heavy, and it smelt strongly id him. "Why?"

"Don't ask just do as your told,"

"If I melt from the high temperature it will be your fault, and I think the last thing the supreme leader wants to see is a melted apprentice," I complained as I threw the cloak on. The hood was too big for me. It kept falling onto my eyes. Limiting my eyesight.

Kylo dug into his pocket and took out my lightsaber. "You might need it. You are your own protection out there Mala, you can't hide behind me".

I looked at him raising and eyebrow. I took the saber from his hand and pointed the hilt at his face "and since when did you ever protect me," I said then placed a hand on the arm injury he had caused me. Kylo got up and paced out of the room. I had to jog to keep up with him. Stormtroopers were still going on doing their business.

I stepped out of the finalizer and mapped the surroundings. It wasn't the most beautiful place I've ever seen. The hot wind blew in my face. The weather was unpleasant unlike Corellia's. The air was dusty. The small houses were almost camouflaged in the Sandy weather.

As we made our way between merchants and the people living their they stared at us, or rather at Kylo as we passed through. Their looks were full of judgements. But they avoided looking straight back at me whenever I made accidental eye contact.

At least we reached a place guarded by two stormtroopers. "Where is the girl you told me that you caught?"

"She's inside master Ren,"one of them replied. They seemed proud of their new achievement. I couldn't help but, feel sorry for whoever she was. Kylo force-opened the door and walked in. The hut was basic. It was small just like the other huts. She was tied to a chair with a simple rope. Her head bowed down. She looked exhausted.

The girl slowly raised her head. She looked familiar to me. Her golden brown curly hair bounced playfully at her shoulders . Her wide hazel eyes danced with mischief. The freckles on her cheeked were in contrast with her bronzed skin.

Nux. It was the same girl that saved me from Kylo in the vision I saw. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. I raised my index finger slowly and placed it on my lips, while Kylo wasn't looking, trying to tell her to act normally.

She got the hint and went back to staring at the floor. Kylo started force choking her. She was trying to scream for help, but no words came out if her mouth.

"KYLO STOP! "My voice was getting louder and angrier. He lowered his arm and turned around about to lash at me.

However, he sighed through the respirator saying coldly, "I'll be right back".

As soon as he stepped out I ran toward Nux. I placed a hand on her cheek and she gave me a small grin.

"I remember you, Nux, I lost my memory but, I still remember you," my heart was pounding against my chest. I was so happy to meet a shadow of my past. Nux frowned at me in response.She seemed shocked at the news of my memory loss. "What happened to you?"

Nux shook her head wildly. Her curls bouncing in every direction. "Its okay, you can trust me". I placed my hand on her knee, trying to prove my affection. Her eyes were wet with tears. I started to understand

"Can I read your thoughts?" She nodded, granting me permission. Her thoughts were distorted. Her voice wasn't clear inside my head.

After I failed to read her thoughts I stood up and looked at her with sympathy "it was them right? They took your voice away from you"

Nux's lips quivered. She swallowed and looked at me again. The teats now streaming down her face as I dried them off.

"What've they done to you?"I felt Kylo's prescence growing closer and closer. I backed away quickly, standing where I first was.

"I promise I'll get you out of here," I whispered quickly. Her smile grew wider, but it vanished as soon as Kylo came back inside.

"We need to go. Now. Get the girl," his voice was alarming. He wasn't kidding. I glanced at Nux. Her eyes were as wide as saucers with fear of what has to come next for her.

Hi guys I just wanted to say that tomorrow may be the last day I write everyday as my exams are starting. I will try to update asap though... I promise

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