Chapter 7: Fight or Flight

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Training the next day went badly. Kylo seemed to be fighting me instead of teaching me. Our duelling with lightsabers continued.However, I seemed to be getting worse not better. The clothing restricted my movement. Kylo struck me several times. he didn't seem to mind the idea of injuring me. His lightsaber came down on my arm burning my flesh. I dropped my lightsaber and clutched my arm. The pain took over my body. The injury was minor, but it my body on fire. I sank to my knees, and placed my forehead on the ground trying not to cry out in pain.

"You're weak," he kept telling me that for some reason. I let out a small groan of frustration as I pulled myself up. I was still sitting on the ground. I looked at the hand that was clutching the wound with. It was covered in blood. It was slowly dripping of my hand. I whats left of the shirt's sleeve and wrapped it around my arm. Kylo just stood there evaluating my response.

"If I was weak I wouldn't do this," I found my leg flying towards the back of his left knee. The impact caused his left leg to bend making him lose his balance. He toppled onto his back and I got up my clenched my fist making my knuckles go white and it flew towards his chin. Kylo stopped me at the last minute got hold of my hand and twisted it away from his face. I fell down trying to avoid breaking my arm and he lit his lightsaber. Holding it right above my nose.

I can't give up. Not now. I looked at the lightsaber but, it was out of my reach.
I have to use the force. I extended my arms and looked at the saber desperately. Trying to direct all my energy towards it. I tried to breath more slowly. My hand was trembling and my palms were sweating with the effort. Finally, it flew toward my hand. I was glad to see its familiar green blade clash with Kylo's red once more. My eyes met his, but he was deprived of emotion. Why can't he at least smile for once at me. I was doing a good job.

The blood boiling in my veins distracted me. He saw my distraction and twisted my lightsaber using his. Sending mine flying away from my hand once more. He closed his weapon and threw it away. Then, he grabbed me by the hem of my shirt, nearly lifting me off the ground."You will never be good enough to beat me" he gritted his teeth. He let me go and as he was heading toward the door I thought he's such a whiner. I bet he never had any friends. At that moment he froze in his spot, he must've been reading my thoughts because the next thing I knew was that I was sent flying backward, my body colliding against the wall.

I hoped I'd pass out this time. But I didn't. I became aware of my wounded arm again. The piece of cloth was soaked with my blood which seemed to be still gushing out. My whole body was aching. I tried to stand up, but the force of the knock was too strong. My knees buckled together, I had to lean on the wall for support. I felt defeated yet determinant.

Ever since I arrived here I seemed to find lots of things to be familiar. Somehow I knew the difference between the light side of the force and dark side of the force. I thought it was natural for someone who is force sensitive to know all these things. But, I didn't know what it really meant to be one. I didn't know whether I was a bad person for joining the first order or if they really aren't all evil. But their power seemed to run on hatred and other people's conflicts, which was enough to make me bothered.

I ran my hand through the back of my head to find a new bump. My arm was swelling up. I limped to where my lightsaber fell and picked it up. A few inches away lay Kylo's lightsaber. I picked it up and decided to give it back to him. I shouldn't act so kindly. I shook my head and left the training room. In a matter of seconds I was lost again. But this time I knew that I should follow my senses. I roamed the halls slowly his presence was getting stronger. It was working. Stormtroopers passing by didn't look bothered about the trail of blood I left as I walked. There eyes were fixed on Kylo's lightsaber.

Finally, I reached the empty corridor again. I knew I was in the right place. But I was still using the force subconsciously, accidentally reading his thoughts. "No one is stronger than me grandfather not even her". I tried to shut him out but it wasn't working "I will rule the galaxy and I will be feared just like you were," I knew the only way to shut him out now was to distract myself. So, I knocked on his door hesitantly and stood back waiting.

"What do you want?" Kylo sounded bitter, but his mask hid his emotions. I guess that's why he covers his face. I raised my hand showing him his lightsaber. His hand automatically went to his belt were he keeps his belt. Then he snatched away from my hand. I stood where I was for a few minutes expecting a thank you. But, he never said it. So I decided to leave without saying a word.

"Wait," he finally said, "you need to tend your wound its becoming infected,"

I rolled my eyes " thanks to you"

"Watch your mouth foolish girl or one day you'll get yourself killed" he didn't sound angry this time."and NOT in a fast merciful way"

I shrugged at him nit knowing how to respond "I'll take you to your room and get someone to heal you"

"Thank you" I responded. This was the first act of kindness he ever did to me. He left me at the door and ordered a passing stormtrooper to get a nurse over to my room.

I sat on a chair waiting for the nurse smiling at the thought that even the worst people can have the slightest light in them.

19 reads!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh this is so cool I've updated the cover.I think it looks much better now....uhh I have nothing else to say. Whoever is reading this you're a beautiful person and deserve to be happy have a nice day. Bye. :)))))

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