Chapter 21: Trustworthy

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Kylo extended his arm towards my face. I grunted in pain, clutching my head. My thoughts seemed to be pouring out one after the other. He caught me off guard and took his chance.

The pain was growing. It was slowly driving me insane. I tried best to push him out. Focus Mala for the sake of Castor's life FOCUS!

It was like hearing my thoughts outloud. At last I gave up. I balled my right fist and sent it straight into his face. That thankfully broke Kylo's attention, but he crashed into the window that was behind him. Fortunately, the glass didn't shatter.

I didn't mean to punch him. It was a reflex. I rushed over to him. He clutched his nose between his both hands as I pulled him up. The blood streamed from his nose and I couldn't help, but snort at what I've done.

"Sorry... I shouldn't be laughing are you okay," I was having giggling fits, Kylo just kept staring at me with a straight face. I gestured towards the blood, but he didn't get the hint so I grabbed the end of his cloak and wiped the blood off of his face.

"Yes I am okay, "his voice had a sight hint of irritation. I found it oddly satisfying. He was giving me a death glare, but I didn't mind.

"Good," I smiled 'sweetly' tilting my head slightly to one side, then I proceeded to kick him in the shins as hard as I can. He let out a huff and started hopping on one foot. I burst out laughing at the sight "that's what you get for trying to read my thoughts".

"That's what I get for trying to teach you," he mumbled, loudly enough so that I could hear him. Why was he acting so calmly? It's... It's scaring me.

I huffed and watched as he checked to see if his nose was okay. "You look better this way," I smirked.

"Oh yeah and how would you know anything about looks?"he said sarcasticaly.

"Says who?" I crossed my arms "the guy who has to hide his face the entire time?"

"I am not hiding it now though am I?" He mimicked me and crossed his arms. No he wasn't. Why wasn't he wearing his helmet when he was around me. Did he do it on purpose so that I would remember.

I must've been starting for a good two minutes. Kylo snapped his fingers in front of my eyes "hello? Starkiller to Mala,"

"Why?" I blurted out even though I didn't mean to.

"Why what?" Kylo furrowed his eyebrow he moved closer to me, curiousity sparking in his dark eyes.

"Why am I the only one that gets to see your face?" I didn't know if I had crossed the line, but then again I already had by punching him. So why was I so nervous? Perhaps I was expecting a certain answer.

"I don't know why don't you ask GN-3... 'Gavin' since he's the only one you trust?" He instantly turned away after saying that so I couldn't see his facial expression,

"I'll be back stay here," then he adjusted his helmet and walkedout.

My face flushed and the grin that was on my face disappeared. Was he... jealous? And to think he keeps saying that he doesn't feel. Although I probably offended him. I'd be offended if I was in his place. But, how can I trust him after all what he's done? Maybe he wants a second chance. Should I give it to him?

He returned after a few minutes, walking straight towards me. I found myself backing away automatically. This was going to be harder than I thought. He stopped as soon as he saw me shuffle away from him. It was too obvious. I could've sworn he shook his head.

"You need to start trusting me,"I didn't know how to respond to him. How can I explain to him. Instead I nodded slowly. He let out a sigh while taking off his helmet and tried his best to give me a smile of encouragement, "how about we duel instead?"

"Bring it on pretty boy," I smiled back and snatched the lightsaber from my back pocket.

"Pretty boy... "Kylo chuckled, "you just called me, master of the knights of Ren, pretty boy".

I shrugged and waited in my place firmly holding the warm familiar hilt in place. One knee bent and the other straight, my body in the attack position. It was nice to see Kylo smile, let alone laugh.

He ignited his lightsaber and swng it playfully above his head, while gripping it loosely. He wasn't even looking at it.

"Someone might end up decapitated if you keep on swinging it like that," I didn't take my eye off the flaming red blade. It was too risky.

Finally our weapons collided. The fight was getting more intense with every clash between the two blades. Kylo was gritting his teeth. His friendly attitude has vanished, which meant business. I let out small groans as I forced my weapon against his.

We fought for a long time. The duel lasted way more then my first ones, which meant one thing. I was getting closer. I was going to be powerful, unstoppable.

But I didn't want that. I wanted to be free, to be careless. Yes, it's selfish but its my life, nobody should be in control of me.

I slid my right foot carefully placing it behind Kylo's left leg. I pushed my foot forward sending him to the ground and taking me with him. I was on top of Kylo. I pushed my saber against his own so that it was only a few centimetres away from his face. Sweat beads were forming on Kylo's forehead.

"Ha! I won this round," I beamed proudly.

"No I don't think so, "he pushed me off with one hand easily and rolled over so trapping me below him.

"I'll get you one day pretty boy," his weight was crushing me. I tried to breath, as I spoke.

Finally, he got up and started brushing the dust of his clothes "not a chance troll".

"Hey!I am not that ugly! " I suddenly felt self-conscious.

"No, not at all," he grabbed his helmet and left. Why is he so kind towards me? What does he want?

I sighed and walked back to my room. The stormtroopers I passed in the corridors seemed to be acting more casually. Hux would be so mad at them But where was Hux anyway?

I have two exams tomorrow... gahh... I am freaking out. I don't know what to do... okay... deep breaths.
I said I wasn't going to update but I had time so, there you go.

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