Chapter 30: weakness

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I gradually lost count of the days that dragged me on and on in this hell. On days all I would see is the shadows of the those who kept me detained.

Kylo only showed up once more. I didn't see the point of his visits anymore and wasn't able to look upon his face without remembering what he has done.

"You still have a chance of getting out of here," Kylo said persuasively

"Who said I want to work with whatever scheme you have planned out?" I wasn't going to help him plant the terror in people's heart, to drag them away from their comfort and strip their freedom away from them, to treat them like slaves. I've had enough.

"You have to trust me," I let out a snort.

"I trusted you Kylo I followed you blindly and look were I ended up, you're nothing but a selfish power-hungry boy,"

"Vanity we can rule the galaxies together, help me and you will always be under my protection," he tried persuading me.

"I don't need protection from a liar. YOU ARE A LIAR!" I was losing control again, all the rage and every ounce of hatred that I kept locked was being released now.

"I wouldn't lie to you, not again," he said defensively.

"Where are my parents?" I asked without thinking.

"I- I don't know..." Kylo avoided eye contact and I felt the blood rushing through my veins.

"YOU LIAR YOU KILLED THEM I SAW IT ALL IN YOUR HEAD...YOU-YOU KILLED THEM! YOU KILLED THEM!" My hands rattled against the metal cuffs, as I repeated the same phrase over and over again.

"I DID NOT KILL THEM!" Kylo slammed his fist centimetres away from my face against the chair, in attempt to silence me.

"I don't believe you, I can't, not anymore," I whispered.

"You have to please," he begged.

"Why did you come to Corellia in the first place why did you threaten Castor?"

"He was part of the resistance base, he was working undercover on Corellia, and I just so happened to find him. I suspected at first that he was force-sensitive but you showed up so I thought I must've sensed you. However, when he was captured here I was able to sense the force around him. But he didn't know he had it in him. That's why Snooke was able to control him".

The air hung heavily between us after he finished. I tried to absorb all the words he just spoke. But, he couldn't have been speaking the truth. He had to be trying to make Castor sound bad to justify his own actions.

I unleashed all the energy within my body and sent Kylo flying backwards. He slammed his head into the wall.

"STOP IT! GET OUT! I HATE YOU!" I was screaming hysterically at Kylo and for a moment thought I had finally lost my mind.

I couldn't seem to stop and the force drained all the energy I had left. I felt myself slipping away again. I tried to fight back but, it only made me sink faster, and in no time I was falling again deep into my twisted nightmares.

The nightmares that seemed to get worse every night. The nightmares I tried to avoid by staying awake. By listening to the whining of the sleepless people locked like me in the other rooms rather than living them. They seemed so real.

I was awakened by the sound of the door sliding shut. My eyes quickly adapted to the light to see Hux's figure coming into focus.

He looked better than the last time I had seen him. But he was still too thin. His ginger hair combed out of his face unlike Kylo. His coat laid on his shoulders as he stood smartly. He glided across the room and around my chair with a smug smile plastered across his face. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, even though I knew there was no way I could defend myself.

Hux twisted his long fingers around my neck and slammed my head against the chair forcefully, causing me to groan.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do this to you," he whispered in my ear, his deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"What do you want Hux," I managed.

"Me? Oh nothing I just want my dignity back," he tightened his grip around my neck causing me to wince.

"Don't you need to have dignity to lose it in the first place General?" I said breathlessly.

"I am not the one tied up Mala," he took back his hand allowing me to take in a sharp breath before sending a punch straight to my abdomen,"so I'd be careful of what I say".

I let out a shriek in response to his blow. I glared at his smirk, I wanted to wipe it off in any way. I spat at Hux's face, successfully leading his grin to vanish. He striked again sending a punch to my ribcage.

"You know I finally was able to grasp why you seemed so familiar. Why I remembered you... Vanity," Hux's heels clicked as he continued circling around me,"I remember your parents too".

I let out an unintentional gasp which caught his attention. He immediately looked at me and the sinister look was back on his face once more. I hardly remembered my parents but whenever they were mentioned my heart seemed to melt. How can someone love another so much without actually knowing them?

"They were locked up here just like you are now. Kylo tortured them for days and weeks. You should've heard them screaming. Your mother in particular was screaming really loudly, I used to hear her halfway across the starkiller," he was trying to mock me trying to break me and it seemed to be working too.

"STOP IT!" I shook my head desperately, his words rumbled in my head nevertheless.

"Make me," he challenged me.

"You- you will let me go from this chair," I said in attempt to manipulate him.

"Your father used to plead to let your mother go,he had so much chivalry," he continued unchanged and unbounded.

"You will let me go from this chair," I tried to focus but I wasn't able to. He shook me. He found how to defeat me, found my vulnerable point.

"You think you ar-" Hux was distracted by the sound of the door sliding open. By the time he turned his head it was too late. A blast came flying in his direction hitting him square in his right shoulder.

"Mala!" A stormtrooper came rushing in. But it wasn't Gavin's voice. He walked towards me and pressed the button which uncuffed me. The stormtrooper took his helmet off only for me to realise who it was.


My cousin is coming to stay with us for five days but I will still try to write even thigh mom will not let me use the phone around my cousin...have a good day/evening/night xx

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