Chapter 29: Defeated

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My name is Vanity Chance Nightsinger.

The words I've been dying to hear, finally came back to me. Everything was connected Everyhting that I had lost was retrieved once more, everything but Castor. I collapsed next to his limp body, his green eyes that have went through so much and seen so much were lifeless and dull.

With trembling hands I looked at his eyes one last time, then lowered his eyelids. Sadness washed over, I've never thanked him, never appreciated what he did for me. At least not like he deserved. He was a good man, who helped me without wanting anything in return.

My heart was broken, and all the trust I ever had for Kylo shattered. I wanted to smack myself for being so naive. My clothes were soaked with Castor's blood as well as my arms. Castor was gone, death finally had beaten him. Yet the universe was still fine, unaware that it had lost its best pilot. The galaxies didn't collapse either and the planets stayed were they are. The only person suffering was me.

I caught with the corner of my eye Kylo's figure limping towards me, he was clutching his ribcage were my kicks had landed earlier. I ignored him and continued sulking at Castor in the hope that this would bring him back to life. Trying to take in the fact that there was in fact no more of his warm smile or assuring speeches.

I felt a hand touch the back of my head, and take all consciousness away from my body, leaving me once again plunging into nothingness.

I was alone consumed by the darkness, lost, confused and scared, falling through a bottomless pit.

I wanted to scream but, my mouth refused to open, I wanted to run, but my whole body betrayed me, I wanted to open my eyes, but they were forced shut. I was overwhelmed by the invisible force roaming my body, controlling every inch of it. The only noise I heard was the sound of the ringing in my ears and the hushed whispers in my mind that would usually keep me up at night.

But, I wasn't going to give up. It felt like I've been falling for days, with no one there to help. So I had to help myself, even when the loneliness took over, and I felt forgotten.

I felt the energy from the core of my own body, and felt it grow warmer. I pushed the burden pinning down, and a rushed feeling of freedom settling over me, encouraging me to continue the battle, against the pitch black monster.

My eyes gradually came into focus. They were taking their time to adjust to the brightness of the room. I recognised the room immediately, my breathing grew heavier as I tried to move my hand, but they were restrained. I was back to the room were it all fell into place, where all of this started.

"LET ME OUT!" I shook my arms aggressively against the metal, feeling my raw flesh already burn among contact with it. I wasn't crying anymore, tears were not an option here.

"Hello princess," I tried to find Kylo, recognising his deep voice.

"Don't call me that," I huffed.

"Well then Ma-"

"YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" I interrupted.

Kylo's shadow glided into sight. His unmasked face inches from mine. His hair locks were falling across his face in attempt to cover the dark eyebags that settled under his wide eyes. We shared the same air as his pupils bore into mine.

"You heard me," he whispered,as if he was careful not to let anyone listen to our conversation.

"What else are you hiding from me?" I challenged him.

"What do you mean?" He knitted his eyebrows in confusion. All my attention and all my emotion, focused on him and only him.

"You know exactly what I mean...Ben,"

IndependentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora