Chapter 31

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Megumi heaved a great sigh as she slid down the armchair, utterly bored. She flipped through channels, growing more and more disappointed with each passing program. If there was one thing that she didn't like about Prescott, it would be the fact that there was never anything fun to do. It didn't help that her parents were gone because of Samantha. She sighed. I wonder what Katherine's up to.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and scanned the contacts for her number. After a moment, she finally found it and called her. "Hello?" she heard Katherine say after two rings.

"'Sup, loser. What are you up to?"

"Oh, if it isn't 8-Bit," Katherine said. Megumi grimaced, supposing that Katherine picked up the name from when she used her power to read her mind. "I'm not doing much. What about you?"

"Same," she said. "I don't understand how people can stay here without losing their minds to the boredom. Those old western movies that I used to watch looks more fun than Prescott."

"Prescott? Is that where you live?" Katherine questioned, sounding as if she's heard of the place.

"Don't remind me," she groaned.

"No, I mean I don't stay too far from you. I live in Arkadelphia. It's about thirty minutes away on the interstate."

"Arkadelphia. Arkadelphia," she muttered to herself. Why does that sound familiar? "Is that by a lake?"

"Yeah, Lake DeGray. You could probably come over if you want. I'm sure that Kamatsu won't mind."

"And how do you know that I have a car?" Megumi asked, feeling stupid as soon as she did once she remembered that Katherine probed her mind once before.

"In case you've forgotten, I've read your mind, Miss 8-Bit," she said with a snort.

"Then you'd know how much that bugs me," said Megumi, feigning anger.

"Oh, I know. So are you coming or what?"

"Mm... I might come. What's the address?"


Katherine grinned once she hung up the phone, buzzing about Megumi coming to visit. She looked around her room; clothes were sprawled across her floor. She'd definitely have to pick up her room before Megumi got there. She speedily gathered all of her clothes and piled them into her closet, promising herself that she'd properly clean it once Megumi left. Wait, she thought to herself as she looked in her full sized mirror. She was only wearing her blue school shirt. I'm going to need pants. She reached into the closet and pulled out a pair of black khakis and slid them on.

Once she closed her closet door, she turned off her television, grabbed the brush on her dresser, and hesitantly walked towards her door. Now comes the hard part, telling Kamatsu that she's expecting company. She sighed, wishing that she could just project her thoughts like what her teacher explained to her. It would be more enjoyable than potentially walking in on a naked woman; or worse, Kamatsu naked.

Slowly, she opened the door and made her way down their short, white hallway to her brother's door. "Kamatsu," she said, knocking on the door before she began running the brush through her hair.

"Go away," he called back, sounding groggy. She never understood how a person could sleep until four o'clock in the afternoon.

She ignored his request as she continued. "Megumi is coming over later on. I'm expecting you to not do anything that'll freak her out."

She could hear his bed squeak, and as sudden as he was silent, he cracked open the door. The smell of rice wine hit her square in the nose. His silver hair was draped over his shoulders as he looked at her with glazed over eyes. "Is that the chick in Basura's group?"

(Outdated) The King of Elements (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now