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The weather was nice today, it was the start of the new school year and the end of summer break. As I sat under a tree waiting for Evan, I watched little squirrels chase each other around. They always seemed to be playing tag, it was really cute if you think about it. Or maybe one took the other one's nuts, but who knows? My mood dropped when I saw some football players making their way over to me, the closer they got the more I started to get nervous. My heart sped up a little bit more.

Where in the hell was Evan?

My eyes dropped to the floor when they stopped in front of me. "So freak, it's the start of the New Year and I was wondering..." He pauses and looked to his friends who nodded. "Can you speak now or nah?" Like always I said nothing making all of them start laughing. I never understood why this was so funny?

I also never understood why they picked on me, I have never done anything to them. Just because I'm mute doesn't give them the right to come up and start making fun of me. I bet if they saw their mom getting killed right in front of you, get covered in her blood, and then looking down the barrel of a gun with your dad behind it ready to kill you. That shit changes a person, I don't care how tough you are. Your whole view on the world changes and it will fuck you up. If the people next door would have never called the cops when they did, Evan and I would be dead right now too.

"So that's a no?" He laughed some more and high-fived his friends making my eyes go blurry. This was the same thing as always.

Evan and I came here in the middle of the school year, last year. They were always telling me shit, making me feeling like I should be six feet under. Not that I would tell Evan that. Dean has never let me forget the fact that I am mute, he always tried to get me to talk and I hated when he tried to get in my pants. He told me if I wanted him to stop to just say the words. But I couldn't. Evan found us and almost put him in the hospital. He wasn't charged because he was protecting me from him. I wrote it down for the officer and the school, I was glad that they believed me.

A loud thud sound made my head snap up. Evan was standing over one of Dean's friends and he had his death glare zoned in on Dean. I've only time you see Evan this mad is when he is going to be doing some damage. At this moment, I knew nothing was going to save Dean. Looking around the empty yard, it would be some time before anyone gets here to help them out. Looking to Dean, you can see the shock on his face.

"I told you to leave my sister alone," Evan said taking a step forward making Dean take on back. "I told you I would make sure you never play football again." Evan looked at me and I gave him a look that said don't. But he ignored it. "You made my little sister cry." Dean looked to me then back to Evan and that is when all hell broke loose.

Evan took down everyone who was standing here and then started pounding on Dean. I watched in horror as blood started to pour out his nose. I heard a sick crack making me flinched back, Evan has always been a great fighter and I never wanted to be on his bad side. Like Ever. When he fights he turned into a beast, his eyes turn cold as if satan himself is inside him.

"Okay, break it up!" Officer James said running to get Evan off Dean and was followed by some teachers. "What the hell is going on here?" He snapped looking from Evan then to me. Does he not know I'm mute?

"She's mute you fucking pig, I beat the shit out of him because he was picking on my sister," Evan said trying to land one last kick to Dean. "I told him if he ever picked on her again, I would fuck him up."

Officer James looked to my brother in shock, I think it had to be for the fact that he was so blunt. Looking to me I nodded my head and whipped the tears from my cheeks. Looking down at my feet I just waited to see what they would do next. For one, I knew that they were going to call Olivia and she was not going to be very happy with this. She always has to find new places for us to stay.

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