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My arms started to fall asleep about an hour ago. I had managed to get my hands to the front, but fortunately, I couldn't untie them. The sun had set about two hours ago, part of me was hurt that Evan has not tried calling me. Tears started to form at the thought, I didn't want to admit it but my fear is coming true. Evan was tired of fighting for me and honestly I don't blame him. Hiding my face in my knees I started to cry once again, whoever this man was scared me. I was scared that he was going to come for me like he said.

"Melody, if you are going to be-"

My head snapped up just as Bo came rushing in. He stood frozen as he took me in, we stared at each other for a few minutes. I wasn't sure how I looked but if I had to guess it was not good. The look on Bo's face told me everything, though. A warm feeling started to set in the pit of my stomach. It was the same feeling I got when Evan protected me from the horrible things in the world. I didn't want to feel this way about Bo or Catalina, they can walk away from us at any time. I didn't want to get close only for them to send us back. But I wanted that warm safe feeling I got when he let me cry in the hallway.

Without thinking, I got up off the floor and took off. Bo seemed to get what was happening because he opened his arms just as I ran into him. The impact sent him back a few steps but he stabbed us. His arms wrapped around as I started to cry harder. Flashes of Ares gripped my throat flooded in. What did he want from me and what contract was he talking about?

"What happened, Sweetheart?" Bo tried to pull away but I gripped the front of his shirt. I wasn't ready for this. "Melody, you need to tell me what happened."

Let go of him I used my hair to hide my face, Bo's hands came into view as he started to untie my hands. Once they were free rubbed my wrists, Bo lifted my chin up and a hissed at the pain left me. I felt his grip tighten a little probably seeing the hand print covering my throat. I bruise easily. "Who the fuck grabbed you by your throat?"

I flinched at his tone. Unable to meet his eyes tears slowly started to run down my cheeks. From the corner of my eye, I saw Bo move, my eyes shifted and he caught mine. "I know you've seen a lot of things in your life. But I won't hurt you." He said as he started wiping the tears from under my eyes. "I need you to trust me, Sweetheart. We can't get anywhere without you trusting me. I can't protect you if I don't know what I'm protecting you from, was it your father?"

Shaking my head I was about to tell him no, but realized what I was doing and snapped it shut. This didn't go unnoticed by Bo but he said nothing. How do I tell him that some man I never met before, came here and tied my hands, sat me in a chair then gripped my throat to get a point across? I can't forget I have no idea what in the hell the contract was. Where do I even start to look for that type of thing? If he knows about it then I'm sure there is a file somewhere, looks like I'm going to have to pay Olivia a visit.

Looking back to Bo I started to feel confused and it was frustrating. I didn't want to trust him, I can't trust him, not yet. I thought as our eye contact was broken when Daisy came up to us with my bag. It was like she tell us that it was time to go home, Bo seemed to think the same thing. He bent down taking the bag from her and then gently guiding me outside to the car. Daisy jumped into the back and I sat in the front with my back to Bo. This life was getting harder each day and I wasn't sure how much more of this I can take.

I just want it to over.


I woke up with a start. My chest was rising and falling hard and sweat covered my whole body. Placing a hand over my heart I tried to calm it down, Ares hunted my dreams this time. It was a little surprising that my father was the last thing on my mind, he had always haunted my dreams. Looking outside my window I found it to be pit black and the time read two-thirty. Getting out of bed I went across the hall and looked inside Evan's room. I was happy to find that he was there fast asleep, not wanting to wake him I closed the door and went downstairs.

Stepping into the kitchen I pulled out a water and sat on the island. My head was starting to hurt from all this thinking. It was not fair. Why did everything have to happen to me? Why did my dad have to be a heartless killer? And most importantly, who was this Ares guy? I had all these questions and no answers.

"Why are you up this late, little one?" My head snapped up as Power walked in. He leaned on the island looking at me. "Want to talk about what happened?" He asked nodding to my neck.

Out of habit, my hand went over the bruise, it was still sore and it hurt a little to swallow. My eyes filled up with tears as I saw the bruising on my wrists. Reaching for the notebook I knew that I was going to have to tell someone. I was hoping that it was going to be Evan, but I'm not even sure if he is still mad at me or even upset.

I don't know who he was, I was just dancing to clear my head when he showed up. He is looking for my father, he said that if my father doesn't give him want he wants he was going to come after Evan and me

The pen stopped because I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about the contract. But then I realized what I was doing and it scared me. My eyes snapped to Power, why was I willing to trust this much. Never in Evan and my life did we ever want to trust this much, Evan was slowly pulling away from me. My life was turning upside down and I wasn't sure if I was ready for the fall. A tear slowly fell down my cheek as everything hit me. Fear hit the pit of my Stomach, my hands reached for the notebook and brought it to my chest.

Something crossed Powers face when he realized I wasn't going to show him. He cocked his head to the side studying me. "You will never get past everything that has happened by keeping that shit inside. You need to learn how to start trusting those around you. Evan seems to be doing fine, had a talk with him."

My heart dropped and my body went numb. My shoulders shagged as I got off the stool and walked around the island, Power tried to stop me but I pulled my hand away. Running up the stairs I went straight into Evan's room, I needed my brother even though he was starting to move on. I just hope he doesn't push me away.

He made a grunt sound when I turned on the light. "What the hell, Mel." He said rubbing his eyes and looked at me with a glare but it dropped when he saw me. "Oh my god, what happened?"

He pulled me into his chest as I started to cry, he gently rubbed my back as I tried to calm down. He managed to sit us down as I tried to calm down. Lifting the notebook I made the decision that it was best to tell Evan first. He took it and I felt his body go stiff, gently taking my chin he checked out my neck then my hands.

"Who is he, Mel?" He whispered. "What did he look like?"

I looked around for a pen. I wrote down everything that had happened with Ares, Evan's face went from worried to pissed off. It was the look he gave when he was determined to find out what all this was about. He looked to me and put his hand in hair then pulled me into a hug.

"We can go talk to Oliva tomorrow, I want to find out what the fuck that contract is. They have to have something about it and maybe we can see it there is a loophole or some shit like that."

Evan lifted the covers telling me to get in, I scooted all the way to the wall and laid on my side. Once he turned off the lights he laid down on his back looking up at the ceiling. I wasn't sure what Evan was going to do, but as long as he doesn't leave me then I will be fine.

I hope.


Short chapter, I know. After the event in the last chapter, I wasn't sure how much to play on it in this one. In this case, I felt like less was more. We will learn about Ares more later in the story. Probably a good twenty, twenty-five chapters in. Going to let your minds just run crazy with him until we learn more about him.

Do you think Evan is really pulling away from her or do you think her anxiety is going ahead of her? Hmm. And it's just a warm feeling to know she is starting to trust even though it may seem too fast. lol anyways, until next time!



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