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I was actually starting to like riding on the back of a bike. I think it had to do with the rush and the loud sound of the flying down the street. Bo seemed to have picked up on the fact that I was starting to enjoy it, because he wasn't driving too slow anymore. He would take off once the light turns green making me smile. Not that he can see it.

When we have gotten to the library, I got off shaking my hair out. Not too sure what to do I just started to the entrance, but Bo stopped me. "Melody, we will wait out here for you, take you time and get what you want." Giving a nod I felt my excitement rise. Rushing inside I wasted no time on heading to the public records.

At first, I wasn't sure where to start. Do I look on the computer or the files and papers in the isle? Or was everything on the computers because this is the digital age? I thought as I sat in front of the computer. Once again I was lost, where do I even start to look for something like this? My fingers drummed on the keys until a name popped in my mind.

My mother's maiden name.

Grace Rossi

The loading ring was going in circles and man was it taking its sweet time. My nerves were going crazy because part of me wanted to know and the other didn't. I also felt weird that Evan was not here because we did everything together. Slowly, I was able to see how he was growing from living here. He was starting to shine better that he has, it was in a good way too. He hasn't been in any fights except when he fought the two boys for messing with me, which landed him and Ashton to get suspended.

Then there is me.

Where do I even stand?

Pushing my hair out my face I sat back thinking about myself. Something I haven't done in a very long time. I wasn't fully ready to get out into the world, but everything is starting to turn for the better. Never in my life did I think that we'd find ourselves in a home like the Powers household. Bo may be overbearing but he was the first foster parent to actually acted like a parent. My eyes snapped to the screen when I realized that the computer pulled up results.

My eyes scanned for my mother's date of birth, when I found it. I was able to see all the people related to us. There were a few names and by few I mean four. However, a name did look familiar, Aaron Rossi. My jaw almost hit the floor when I put it together. Aaron Rossi was the founder of Rossi's Corporation. We pass by the building every time we go into the city.

My heart then dropped because now it made sense why our family didn't want us. Our dad was a psycho killer who killed our mom and tried to kill us. We were the trash of the family; a lone tear fell down my cheek. It was a big slap in the face, we were kids! What did we do wrong? They weren't there when she died in my arms, they weren't there watching and hearing our dad beat our mom. They left us out in the cold with horrible people, Evan took most of the beating for me, he protected me when no one else would.

How could they do this to their own family?

After clicking on Aaron's name, and article about the company came up and it caught my attention. In more ways than one.

Breaking news about big name Rossi's Corporation hit headlines early this morning. Aaron himself came took the stands confirming the rumors that have been buzzing. "I stand here before everyone to confirm that I do plan on merging Rossi's Corporation with Moretti's corporation. Gabriel and I have been talking for quite some time. Details are yet to be set, but you will be informed when we do have them." Rossi said. Aaron Rossi and Gabriel Moretti never got the chance to work out any details, three days later, Aaron was found dead in his bedroom.

The family did not want to comment on his death, they took to the media saying that they wanted to grieve out of the public eye. Rossi's Corporation was handing down to Aaron's son who so far is doing a great job running the corporation. He run's it with an iron fist just like his father once did.

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