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It has been a while since I've had this much sleep. When we got here is was around noon time and now it was seven, this has also been the longest we have been at a home where our foster parents didn't bug us. I was surprised to see the sun still shining, what town did she take us to? I zoned out the whole way here, it was just a bad habit of mine. My hand reached out to wake up Evan but then thought better of it, this was the only time he was able to relax without having to worry about anything. Looking back once last time, I made my way downstairs.

My stomach was growling reminding me I haven't eaten yet.

Following the voice, I found myself in the kitchen. My eyes went wide when I saw all the food on the table, it was packed with food to feed a whole army. Were they going to have people over? If they were then I didn't want to intrude on their plans, just as I was about to turn around. Bo looked over his shoulder as he hung up the phone, dropping my eyes to my shoes I started to play with the ends of my hair, something I did when I was nervures.

"Hungry?" He asked making me look up to see him handing me a plate. "You can have whatever you like." He nodded at the table making my eyes go wide once again.

That was a shit load of food.

Taking the plate I looked at everything they had, pizza, wings, chicken, rice, beans, meat and much more. Finally, I decided to get two slices of pizza and the bag of Doritos, and since the table was full I took a seat at the island. Bo placed a soda in front of me and I gave a small smile in thank you. Watching from under my eyelashes he took a seat across from me with his own plate, I was kind of hoping he would leave me alone so I could just eat my food. But he didn't look like he was going to be leaving anytime soon. I ate the toppings and cheese first and saved the crust for last, it was wired but I liked doing it. Evan always made fun of me for it.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Bo asked as he put chips in his mouth. "You guys knocked out as soon as your heads hit the pillows." I felt my cheeks heat up because I didn't want to tell him that this was the safest I had felt in years. Which was a weird feeling to have.

My eyes dance around the kitchen and found a notepad sitting off on the side. I wanted to reach for it and write what I was thinking but thought better of it. This was something I only did with Evan, it was our thing. I finally nodded my head and went back to picking at my pizza. I was shocked to even consider telling him because I never trusted people. I jumped a little when the notepad fell in front of me, looking up at him, he held up a pen. Not wanting to be rude I reached for it.

"Saw you looking at it, we are not going to be just nodding our heads and not talking. I want to know what is going on because if this is going to work, I need you to meet me half way." I was stunned, no one has ever reached out to me like this. They usually just tried to get me to talk but when I don't they just leave me.

Holding the pen to the paper I thought about what I wanted to ask. 'When do we start school?' This was the one thing I was scared of, this was the make or break of us.

He took the paper and looked at it for a bit then nodded his head. "Next week, we are just waiting for the transfer papers."

My mood dropped and my hunger went with it, pushing the plate away and looked down at my hands. I hated going to a new school because everyone starts off nice but then it turns into hell. Evan then starts to fight because of me. The counter top started to blur as I remember what happened at the last school. Evan is facing charges because of it.

"We-" Bo was cut off by the back door opening. My head snapped up afraid of who might be standing there. My eyes grew as two men walked it and they weren't small, they were nothing but a wall of muscles.

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