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"You keep her name out your mother fucking mouth!"

Evan had this crazy look in his eyes, something I have never seen before. Evan stepped into this guy's face and even thought this man was a good two heads taller than him. Evan didn't care. He was ready to throw down at any time of the day. I nor Evan liked it when someone brought up our mother, even if it was asking if we knew her because people always said sorry for our lost.

The air in the restaurant shifted and it felt heavy. It even had an eerie silence that filled the whole room, my eyes snapped to the men that were in the back. That's when it hit me that I was right, these men were not nice people at all. Looking back to this man and Evan something crossed his eyes. He looked really pissed off that Evan was talking to him this way.

"I'd watch your tone with me if I were you, boy." He said stepping closer to Evan. I saw movement and looked to see the men were walking up to Evan and this man.

They looked like they were going to circle around Evan, like they were going to hold him down and beat him. I've seen enough movies to know what was happening. My feet started to move so I can stop them, but I was too late. The man gripped Evan by the throat and slammed him on the table. Before I was able to reach them a man grabbed me holding me back.

"I also don't like it when people get into my face." He said bring his face close to Evan's. His voice was so dark that it reminded me of Ares. "Now, you are going to answer my questions, or you can say bye to your sister."

Evan's eyes snapped to mine and I shook my head as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Please. I mouth but Evan's eyes told me he wasn't going to talk. "I'll fucking kill you if you touch my sister." Evan sneered.

The man grunted and his fist raised in the air, right when he was about to bring it down I screamed at the top of my lungs shocking everyone. "Grace is our mom!" I started to sob as the man's head snapped to mine in utter shocked. "Please don't hurt him, he is all I have...he is all I have," I whispered out.

My legs felt like they wanted to give out if it wasn't for the man holding me I would have hit the floor. My breathing started to come out heavy as the memory of that horrible night flooded my mind. My body started to shake when I heard my dad's voice yelling at my mom all the way to the point where he shot her. My chest started to get tight as I struggled to suck down air.

I felt someone get shoved and I almost hit the ground but someone stopped me. The pain reminded me why I shut down all through years ago. "It's okay, Mel. Your safe now, he's not here." Evan's strained voice reached my ears. I felt him starting to rock me. "I got you, Mel. I promise he will never ever get to you again. I can't fail again. I'd kill myself if I lose you, please don't give up, Mel, fight through this."

His body started to shake telling me he has finally reached his breaking point. It wasn't until his words sunk in that I was able to take a big breath of air. Slowly everything started to clear, I was able to open my eyes to find that we were sitting on the floor. I felt so embarrassed that I just had a panic attack in the restaurant. Not only that but Evan was having his own mental break. Never in my life have I ever seen or hear Evan cry.

Looking up, my eyes locked on the man. Everyone that was in here looked shocked and didn't seem to know what to do. Anger started to fill me because none of this would have happened if he didn't bring up our mother. Getting up from the floor Evan looked lost and it filled my hate fire. Walking up to the man, I pushed him well at least tried. He was bigger than me and didn't even move, not even an inch.

So I started to hit his chest the best I could while yelling at him. "This is your fault! This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have brought her up!"

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