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One month later.


What the fuck! I glared at the board trying to figure out how this girl keeps winning. She somehow was able to trick me everything, I was starting to think she was cheating. She started to laugh at my face I was giving. Huffing I crossed my arms over my chest, this game was stupid anyhow. Putting the pieces away, Gabby eyes my bandages for the hundredth time. I knew she wanted to know why I was here on suicide watch and all that bull crap. She just hasn't had the guts to ask.

Looking down at them, I was able to see the blood seeping through. The cuts were deep and if I moved my arms a certain way. The stitching would reopen. "What happened? I mean I kind of have an idea because you are here in the psych ward if it was an accident."

Giving a small shrug, I grabbed the white board. I wouldn't fully consider Gabby a friend, but we did bond over the month I've been here. "Mental breakdown. Lost my shit and broke a mirror and decided to rip my arms open."

Gabby nodded her head then looked off in the distance. She hasn't told me her story and I honestly don't want to know it. Evan has been my info man; he would tell me everything that had been happening. Apparently, our dad called him too and Evan blew up and said if he got out he was a dead man walking. He also said that our family has been trying to talk to him, get to know him. Evan said the one guy who slammed him on the table apologized for what has happened.

He wanted to apologize to me too but Evan told him to eat shit. Evan said that they have no idea that I am here in the psych ward. I have, however, received a letter from Ares which pissed me off and it ended with me having a bad session with Dr. Sung. He has been watching me to see what triggers my episodes, he said I am improving and that it's okay to have a small set back. He explained that not everything happens overnight.

I had to admit that he was the first Doctor that I liked. He didn't push me to talk, to write how I was feeling, he just let me sit there and be me. He would tell me stories and to be honest, him opening up to me has helped my warmed up to him. I was starting to see him as a person and not someone trying to tell me how I should feel. Some days, I would tell him how I am, what has happened. Then on my bad days, he helped me get my mind off things.

Gabby finally was about to speak but nurse Joy walked up to us. "I'm sorry to be a bug, but Melody you have visitors. They are waiting for you in your room."

Getting up from my seat I made my way over to my room. Everyone already visited me today and said they would be back tomorrow. Evan promised me to bring a hamburger because I was over hospital food. What if it was Ares? I thought stopping in front of my door not sure if I should go inside. My hand hovered over the handle as fear shot through my body. Just as I was about to turn and walk away, a hand on the small of my back made me jump.

"Is everything alright?" Joy said eyeing me. Giving a small nod she narrowed her eyes a bit then shook it off. Opening the door, she ushered me inside while talking. "It's time to change your bandages and to take your last regiment of medication for the night."

My feet stopped moving when I saw who was in the room. They were the last people I thought would come here, one guy was leaning on the window and the other was sitting in a chair. My eyes connected with the guy sitting in the chair, we stared at each other and ignored everyone in the room. It wasn't until Joy placed a hand on the small of my back that I ripped my eyes away.

Taking a seat on the bed she shook her head disappointed again. "Mel honey, your injuries are not going to heal if you keep ripping your stitching open." She said making me shrug. It wasn't my fault that they keep reopening. "Well the doctor left for the night, he will have to stitch them back in the morning. We will just have to keep them clean until morning."

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