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"This is stupid," Evan mumbled out as we walked down the street.

We were going to meet Catalina for lunch at the school she teaches at. She wanted us to get used to the campus, Evan, on the other hand, was not happy about this. He wanted to sleep and do nothing today. And me. Well, I wanted to spend some time with Daisy, she slept in my room last night, and at first, Bo didn't want her in the house because he wanted her to be an outside dog. But when she kept whining at the back door I went out back with a blanket. So you can imagine his shock when he came outside to tire her outback to find me laying with her in the grass.

So he caved and let her inside.

Then this morning he surprised me with a dog harness that says, Service dog. Please do not pet, I'm working. He said he talked to Olivia who agreed that Daisy can be my service dog, she started to fill out the paperwork for me but Bo said she can go with me where I went. So here she was walking next to us as we headed to school. Unlike Evan I was happy because I had Daisy, maybe he needs her more than I do? The thought made me want to giggle a bit.

"We can always go back and say we got lost or some shit." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. He was a handful at times.

When we finally got to the school we found the main off and Evan, like always, did the talking. She gave us our passes but not before she gave me shit about Daisy. Evan argued with her saying she is blind for not see the service harness. And in the end, Evan won. That lady was not a happy camper. Following her directions, we found Catalina's classroom and at first, I didn't want to go in because her class was still going. In the end, Evan shrugged and threw the door opened.

I ignored Catalina because I was embarrassed to do anything, Daisy put her nose in my hand making me pet her. It calmed me down enough to look around the classroom and my eyes landed on this guy sitting in the back of the class. My breath got stuck just looking at him, in all my life I have never been attracted to anyone before. He drew me into him like no other. When he lifted his eyes to meet mine I got lost in his deep brown eyes. Everything about him screamed danger, though, his eyes had a dark edge to them as his eyes scanned mine. Unable to look any longer I looked away and it was just in time to hear Catalina introduce us.

A girl asked about Daisy and I was glad she didn't say much on the matter. Sitting in the chairs by her desk, I started to pet Daisy. Even though I wasn't looking at him I felt his eyes on me. Never looking away. They were burning holes in the side of my head.

"So what would you like to eat, we can go eat out if you like?" Catalina asked rubbing my back lightly. "How does McDonalds sound?" I gave a small shrug and took a chance and looked back to the guy.

He caught my eye and held it, I couldn't get over how hot he looked. He was wearing a V-neck showing off his muscles, his black hair was styled messy, and I loved how he had a strong jaw line. What the fuck are you think! He is a man and men like him hurt girls like us! My mind yelled at me, my mood dropped because it was right, guys like him don't care. They are only looking for sex and that is something I am not going to give up. No way in hell I was going to let myself fall for some like him. It was a road to hell. Looking away from him the bell finally rang and the kids filled out the room and gave Catalina papers. Then I felt his eyes touch me again and this time, Evan caught him looking. His hands bunched up and I knew this stance. I grabbed his arm making him look at me and his face soften.

"He was looking at you and I don't like it." Evan huffed falling back in his chair.

'Fighting will get you nowhere, we actually want to pass high school you know.' I showed him my phone and he rolled his eyes. He looked to Catalina who was just finishing up fixing the papers.

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