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"I can't believe that he stood up for you!" Eli said as she whaled her hands around. "Not that standing up for you is a bad thing. It's just they never go out their way to help anyone. They just keep to themselves, so the fact that they did that is just. Wow."

She sat back in her chair pushing her curly hair out her face. Her cheeks heated up clearly embarrassed by her outburst. As I watch her talk, it was easy to see when he got into something, she got excited. It was also clear that she talks with her hands, it was very amusing to watch. I loved her bubbly personality sure did rub off on you. It broke my heart when I found out people just used her to get school work done.

People should learn that using others is bad. That trying to control them, bullying them, and making them feel less than they are. Is wrong, so damn wrong. Angrily I stabbed a fry with my fork and then ate it.

"You looked crazy when you talk like that," Evan said

"I rather look crazy than eating like a pig."

"I do not eat like I pig!"

Eli crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a dead look. "Say's the one who has no food on his plate. We barely just sat down not too long ago."

Ashton started to laugh because no one has even put Evan in his place like that. They started to bicker making me smile. Taking a bite of my hamburger I felt Ashton move closer to me. "I think they like each other."

Looking at them I think he was right, the way her cheeks heated up at his comments. To the fact that Evan is letting her tell him shit. Giving a nod, I turned to look at him. Pulling his chair closer he draped his arm over the back of my chair. Feeling my cheeks heat up once again I looked back to my food.

"Is this okay?" He asked. "I mean, us, is this okay? Because I don't want to make you do something you aren't ready for."

I thought about what he said. Was I okay with the fact that Ashton is taking a liking to me in a non-friendship way? I thought as I pushed my food around on my plate. Not finding the answer in that, I looked around the cafeteria as if something would jump out at me. My eyes stopped at a certain table, Christian and his friends were sitting there, as the two boy's messed around. Christian was sitting back in his chair looking at something across the room.

It took a few minutes to realize that he wasn't looking at something but someone. Following his gaze I found it to be at Ashton. Why? I had no idea, Ashton was looking at me but I was able to see his jaw locked. Studying his face a bit I knew why he was upset. He was jealous, why he was jealous was beyond me but I knew I didn't want a fight to break out because they don't like each other.

Taking Ashton's hand I gave a nod with a shy smile. I trusted Ashton enough not to hurt me, it was a weird feeling because I wasn't used to this. I have kept to myself for a long time, I'm not even sure how to be in a relationship. What am I supposed to do? Hold his hand? Hug him all the time? Oh gosh randomly kiss him? My thoughts started to get away from me.

"Relax, your hand is getting sweaty." Looking down I found that he has interlaced our fingers. He must have done it while I was panicking. "We will take this at your pace, okay." Giving a small nod, Ashton leaned in and kissed my lips and lingered there for a few moments.

"Seriously man!" I pulled away from Ashton at Evan's comment. "I told I don't want to know when you kiss my sister." He made a face making me laugh. "And you young lady, no kissing on school grounds."

Rolling my eyes, I stuck my tongue out at him then turned back to eating my food. Eli was typing away on her phone so, I took, this time, to look around the cafeteria again. I couldn't help but look to Christian's table. Ever since the first time I saw him in the class I have been drawn to him, it was a weird feeling and I had no idea why. Just by looking at him now you can tell something was on his mind.

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