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"Bo, snap out of it brother we need to get her to a hospital. She will bleed out if we don't."

The voice fell on death ears as Bo and I stared at one another. I was waiting for him to just snap and tell me he has enough. That he was going to send back and keep Evan here with him. I wouldn't blame him if he did, Evan would be way better off without me. I mean look at me, I'm sitting in broken glass and bleeding to death.

A grunt came from behind me before I was hoisted up in the air and was being moved outside. "When you get past your shit meet us at the hospital." It wasn't until we gotten to the hospital that I realized that Detrick was here with me.

He stayed as they washed all the cuts, he stayed as the explained my injuries, he stayed when they stitched me up. And worst of all, he stayed when the found all the cut's I have done over the years and the fresh ones I did. They had pulled him aside and explained something and he made a phone call. When he came back he told me Catalina, Bo, and Evan were on their way.

As we were waiting in my room, I had my back facing Detrick. The way he was looking at me made me feel ashamed. He was looking disappointed in me and I had no idea why we weren't close. He had no reason to be disappointed in me.

"My girl use to cut." I frowned when he started to talk. I wasn't excepting him to. "She was in an abusive relationship before we started dating. One day I just saw her in the halls at school bruised frame and snapped. Put the guy in the hospital and took her as mine. She cut to feel better, to make the pain go away. But the more we got serious the less she started to cut until she no longer felt the need to anymore."

I wasn't sure where he was going with this and I didn't care. I have my own problems to deal with, there is no need to hear his story about how he got his wife. Closing my eyes, I gripped the sheets and started to slightly cry. When was this pain going to end? When was I going to be able to breathe again, to be able to live a full life where my dad isn't a problem, where my so-called family isn't trying to come into our lives after all this time.

Most importantly, when was I going to stop hurting Evan and though who I am starting to love? It was a never ending circle and the pain was becoming too much with each passing day.

"My point of the story is that once you are surrounded with good people. Things will get better, and you are surrounded by good people. You just have to let yourself drown in all this pain and let us in so we can pull you out safely. Because of the stunt, you pulled today just showed how hurt you are."


"We called her social worker, it mandatory in cases like this." The doctor said as he explained things to Catalina and Bo.

"What do you mean cases like this?" Catalina asked looking confused. "We have been taking good care of them, there is no need to call her."

The doctor sighed out and doubled checked his chart to make sure before talking. "All her injuries are self-inflicted including the old ones on her legs. We discovered them while cleaning her up. She has to be placed on suicide watch and be evaluated to make sure she is not a threat to herself or to others."

All heads turned to me when he brought up my cutting habits. I didn't have it in me to see how they looked, all I wanted to do was lay down and ignore the world. They should just leave and never bother with me again. I was nothing but a broken girl who couldn't be saved.

"What happens when she gets evaluated and she is clear? Will we be able to take her home after?" Bo asked. He seemed to be back to his old fatherly self. I couldn't understand why. They should just let me go. "But if we have to, we will fight for her. Now that we know how hurt she is, we can make the right adjustments. Improve our ways to make sure she is safe."

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