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"Are you sure you're okay?" Evan asked me for the hundredth time since we left the house.

Looking over at him I gave a nod paired with a small smile. But he still looked unsure, casting my eyes down I pondered my thoughts. Ever since I was old enough to understand what has happened back in that house. I thought I was going to have a breakdown and end up in the hospital, well, I did have a break down as I threw shit around. I was also pissed off that no one even cared enough to clean the blood off the floor. Everything else looked to be cleaned off so why couldn't they do the floor?

"How much trouble do you think we are in for leaving?" I gave a careless shrug. "I can't believe you went on a crazy rampage back there."

A smile formed on my face as we walked. Evan started to laugh a little making me giggle a little. The truth is it felt so good to have something other than fear running through me. I was starting to see that Catalina was right, I needed to start standing up from myself. Once Evan calmed down we started on our way back home. Smiling at the ground I thought about the word home, it was still a weird word to think or say. We haven't known a home in a very long time.

This was something that I was going to need to talk to Evan about. This was the safest we have been in so long, it's almost as if it's a dream, like we will wake up tomorrow and be in a shithole. The last foster home we were in the man used to beat Evan when he tried speaking for me. So we both rebelled and he was going to hit both of us, Evan lost his shit when Wes raised his hand to me. That was when we got sent back and that to us was not a bad thing, he was an asshole.


It has been about an hour since we got back from our old home. Bo was not here but Catalina was and we bent the truth and said we were at the park. There was no way we were going to tell her that we went to the very place that turned our life to crap. Now that we were home and away from harm, my mind was in a haze. My stomach has been turning like crazy and every time I close my eyes I see the blood stain. Evan was upstairs sleeping while I laid on the sofa.

I took, this time, to cry a little because everything was just a little too much for me. My phone went off bring me out my train of thought, cleaning my face off I looked at my phone.

Eli: Hey Mel, I was wondering if you would like to get together on Monday at the studio?

Guilt ran through my body as I read her text. A lot has happened since I have met her that I completely forgot about the deal. My eyes looked to my dance bag as it sat in the corner of the room, what if Ares turns up again? I still have no idea what any of this means, I'm still pissed off that Ares came into our life messing up what we have. But something tells me he is here to stay. Hitting the reply button I started a conversation with her.

Me: Hey, Monday sound great. Say about four when school lets out?

Eli: Four is fine. I get out of school about three, gives me enough time to get my things at home. :)

Me: Same. Question, what school do you go to? My brother and I are new here and we start school on Monday.

I bit my lip silently hoping she will be going to the same school as me. It would be great to know at least one other person. Evan and Ashton were great company but it would be nice to hang out with a girl. My eyes shifted from the T.V to the entryway as the door opened and closed. Bo stepped inside as spotted me on the sofa, as he walked into the living room so I sat up and sat crossed legged.

At first, he didn't say anything just watched the T.V for a few minutes. He rubbed his chin as if thinking of something to say. Shaking his head he stood from the looked to me. "Be ready by six. You and Evan are going to come with us to the compound for a birthday party."

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