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As I tipped my head back to wash the conditioner. A gush of cold air hit my body, immediately causing goosebumps form on my skin. When I was able to open my eyes, Ares stood in front of me. Eyes laced with hungry. He has been gone since the yesterday evening—but warned me that he was going to be coming back late. Although, I wasn't expecting him to be coming back late afternoon the next day.

"Don't give me that look, I've had a rough fucking night and all I want to do is be inside my woman," Ares said, voice full of irritation.

His shoulders were tense, jaw was locked and his eyes were so hard that I felt the need to step away. The intensity scared me so much, that I jumped when he put his hands on my hip, drawing me closer. His body was hot compared to mine, it seemed hotter than the water.

"I'm not sure what to say to that," I whispered, confused. Even though Ares and I have been having sex, I still wasn't used to this.

Without warning, Ares pushed me up against the wall then hoisted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I help support my weight. Then in dawned on me what he was planning on doing. "Here?" I gasped eyes wide.

A sinful smile formed on his face. Once that made a shiver run my back, his hips shifted forward making me gasp. This was something I was not expecting—I was leaving in three hours back to the states with O'Brian. It also hit me that I was not going to make school Monday.

Sorry dad.

"I'm going to fuck you against the wall, then I'm going to take it to the bed," Ares grunted in my ear. Moving his head, his lips caught mine in a slow hard kiss.

I wasn't sure what to do, but it was obvious that something happened at work. His tense shoulders and just overall stiff. It also accrued to me that he was turning to me to help get over whatever happened. The only problem was I had no idea how to do that, what did he expect me to do?

Every time we did everything, he did all the work. I may not be a virgin but I still had sex like one. Wasn't this something that was supposed to come naturally? Like your body should have known what to do? Right at this moment I felt so stupid, I must be a horrible lay.

That's what the poor bastard gets.

When he released my lips he started to work his way down my neck, while grinding into me. He adjusted himself and his erection hit my clit just right. My back left the wall but he pushed me back, the harder he got, the better it felt.

A low moan left me when he took my nipple into his mouth. It hurt. He sucked so hard that I thought it would bruise. Can nipples even bruise? I wondered. Probably not.

Ares shifted one more time, it felt like he was going to make his move. But all odds seemed to be against this. His phone cut through our haze, and his grip was painfully tight. Most likely leaving bruises. Which was a bummer.

I was over being black and blue.

Ares set me on my feet and stormed out the shower, leaving me frustrated and confused. As I turned off the water and stepped out the shower, Ares was yelling in French in the next room. At first, I wasn't sure if I should even step foot in the room. Because I may not understand French, but his tone said to stay far away.

Slowly, I came around the corner. Ares was standing by the dress in the far corner, yelling into the phone. His free hand was in a fist as he yelled, jaw was locked when he was listening to the over person. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I was able to see his jaw clench and unclench.

I had two options. One, risk walking up to Ares to get fresh panties out the dress, or two. Put on the panties I had worn yesterday to bed. Technically they were still clean, I only wore them to bed.

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