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Tray Bills

I decided to surprise Amara today and visit her. I haven't seen her in a while and me and Odell been friends for a while so maybe I can get her address. I decided to call. It rang for a minute before Odell picked up.

"H-Hello?" His voice was shaky.

"Hey Odell...? You okay man?"

"A-Amara's missing." When he said that, I almost dropped my phone.


"She's gone. Somebody took her. I have a private investigator looking into it, but everything he finds just turns out to be dead ends. Kehmari's also gone."

"Wait, have you checked with someone she might have been with? Kehmari I mean." I suggested.

"I don't know who she would be wi-" Odell paused.

"Meet me at Kehmari and I's house ASAP. I'll text you the address." I wasted no time and finally find the house. I pulled up and parked in the driveway of the large house, along with almost 5 police cars. They even had dogs sniffing around. I walked up to the door and told the officer I was family. They let me in and I looked around. The whole place looked like a damn crime scene.

"They say that Amara was kidnapped in a different location, but Kehmari was kidnapped from here. I didn't know until recently. I had been staying with my sister for a couple days and when I got back, they were gone." Odell sniffed, indicating he had been crying. I was surprised, Odell never cried, which meant he was truly shaken about this.

Without even being in the house for like 5 minutes, a policeman shouted.

"WE FOUND SOME HAIR!" All of the officer and detectives ran up the stairs. There was a few minutes before they came back down with an evidence bag and a few other things. I was guessing they found some useful stuff. I turned a corner and saw Odell balling in some girl's arms. She was beautiful...

Amara Langston-Hughes

I laid in the bed covered in semen. I felt violated and scarred. Kehlani held my hand and silently cried as I did the same. How did I end up in this mess... I thought to myself.

"Come on ladies! Get cleaned up. We'll take one with you so we can make sure our precious merchandise doesn't try to escape. Because if you all even think about it, we will keep you girls here forever. Oh wait! We were already going to do that!" Carson laughed evilly. We looked at each other warily and got up to take a shower, only to find out they were taking one with us to watch us. But they did way more than that...

I cried as Daniel raped me. I heard Kehlani's screams from the other bathroom, which made things worse.

"Help!" She cried.

"You don't know how long I've missed this baby." Daniel purred in my ear. I tried to move but he had me handcuffed to the shower railing. I was trapped. Once he was done, he washed my body, caressing me the whole time.

Odell... Come save me.

Daniel Gomez

It felt so good to finally please my baby again. I missed that sweet ass pussy that was always mine. I made the biggest mistake of my life, cheating on her, with some broad who I barely knew. She was also claiming to be pregnant with my child, but I didn't care. I was going to kill the bitch soon anyways.

Eye Candy [Odell Beckham Jr.]Where stories live. Discover now