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Amara Langston-Hughes

I shot up in a bed that didn't belong to me. Pain shot through my body. I screamed in agony and laid back down, hoping the excruciating feeling would fade away. A tall, light skin guy with long curly hair ran in with a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright?!" The man's deep but soothing voice calmed me.

"No... My h-head hurts. Where am I?"

"Well, I was on my way home last night and saw a little boy running around screaming for help. I got out my car and he led me to you... You were laying in a puddle of your own blood and I had to help so I brought you and your son back here. My place."

I started to shake. Everything was a dream?! Jase being missing, him being dead?! A dream?! Tears streamed down my face as the violent shaking began to pick up. I hadn't had a panic attack in a long time, and the feeling was now foreign to me.

"Oh my god!" The guy ran over to my aid and tried to assist me. I spotted my purse across the room and shakily pointed to it.

"M-M-M-My M-Medicine. S-S-S-Second pocket!" My voice raised. He ran over and started digging through my purse, eventually pulling out my vile of medicine. H grabbed a bottle of water from the mint fridge on the shelf and helped me get the medicine for my panic attacks in my system. Eventually the panic attack faded away and I was still shaken up about the fact that everything that happened was a dream.

Jase came running in the room and jumped on my leg, sending more shots of pain throughout my body.

"Stop Jase!" I whimpered.

"Come on buddy. Mommy's not feeling so well... How about I fix you a nice bowl of ice cream while she gets better?" The handsome man picked up Jase and tickled him, making him giggle.

My son was perfectly fine. But how did I end up here?

My mind suddenly went blank as flashes from the previous hours rushed into my mind.

I woke up from a dream that Jase died, I looked in his bed, and he was gone. He was under the covers. Thinking he was abducted, I ran down the stairs and fell, hitting my head. I then had a dream about Brianna shooting Jase. He was perfectly safe.

These dreams got me fifty shades of fucked up. I rubbed my face stressfully and went into the bathroom to see how bad the damage was.

I looked in the mirror at the girl that had been through so much shit because of one person. Odell. Ever since I became his manager the first time I met him, things had gotten worse for me. But I loved him unconditionally, whether we were together or not. I felt like I could change him, but reminded of the incident with my sister, I can't change his ways, and I honestly don't want to try anymore.

I touched the blood drenched bandage on my head and flinched quickly retreating back. I looked at all the bruises on my face and arms, trying hard not to cry.

"I know what your thinking, and I think you're beautiful..." The stranger that took care of me leaned into the bathroom.

"O-Oh... Thank you..." I blushed. I didn't even know this guy's name, and he was already hitting on me.

"Oh, I forgot. My name is Tyson..." He smiled.

1 month later

After spending time with Tyson, I realized he was no good, and obsessive. I didn't know how to get him out of my hair, and he had been using me as a sex slave for a while now. I had to find a way out of here. Turns out, he's the head of a mafia, and the house I was in was just his vacation home. He took me and Jase to his high security mansion, telling me we couldn't leave. His house was like a prison, I wasn't allowed to do anything, or see the outside world without him or his guards there to watch my every move.

"Come on bitch! We have places to be! Let's go!" I perked up at the sound of Tyson's voice.

"I-I'm coming!" I called. I put on the little bit of clothes I had and grabbed my clutch with lip gloss and lip balm in it. I wasn't allowed to have my phone, or credit card... I was given his Black card he had for me.

"We're going to buy you some new clothes." He said with an attitude.

"What about Jase? He hasn't been out in a-"

"He's coming too."


We pulled up to the mall and went inside. I hadn't been shopping in a long time, and even though Tyson seemed to be heartless, at least he cared.

"Come on." He touched my hand lightly and grabbed Jase's in the other. We found our wait to Crazy 8, Jase's favorite store.

"Christina, go pick out some outfits for Jase. Make sure he likes them. I need to have a word with Amara." Tyson spoke to his maid.

"Yes sir. Come on Jasey!" Christina took Jase's hand, Tyson taking mine and dragging me to a bench outside the store. He sat me down and sat down as well.

"I want you to get rid of that bastard child and give me one of our own. I don't care how you do it, just know that if you don't do what I want you to, I will kill you."


😨 Who saw that coming? Anyone want to be a character? Private message me your name, age, and characteristics. I plan on doing a family reunion chapter for Amara and then Odell soon. Need some characters to play family members. ☺️ Any age is fine. Want you guys to be involved in the book more 😛. I highkey forgot to add a picture of Tyson the first time I uploaded this chapter 💀. It's up now 😂

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