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2 days later

I laughed at my little cousin who was dancing to XXXTencion like a pro. It had been a minute since I was with the rest of my family, and since I was living in NC, I could come see them any time I wanted. Jase who was now 3, ran around with his cousins throughout the house. I smiled warmly and continued to talk to my cousins and other family members.

"Girl! So what's up with you and that Odell? We've all seen you on TMZ with him and such." My cousin Mariah cheesed. Her boyfriend beside me eyed me hungrily. I rolled my eyes slightly and looked over at Mariah and put a smile on my face.

"Actually, me and him broke up recently, so now I'm dating Tray." I looked over at him in the kitchen and smiled.

"Oh, well shit girl, I would take him off your hands but I don't think DJ here would like that." She kissed her boyfriend, DJ's cheek.

"Watch your mouth little girl!" My Aunt Cee yelled from the stove in the kitchen.

"Sorry ma!" She responded, blushing.

"I want Odell so bad! He's so fine!" One of the twins, Casey yelled. Her twin sister, Lasey punched her in the arm and rolled her eyes.

"That's Amara's ex. Cousins over nothin'." She smiled at me. I smiled back right before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Aunt Cee got up and went to open the door. The door open slowly, and there stood a girl who was shockingly familiar.

Is that the girl that was with Odell on Instagram? What is she doing here?

I thought to myself and watch her movements as she hugged Aunt Cee.

"Everyone! This is my niece Masey! Everyone make her feel welcome! She's been living with her dad for a minute, so y'all haven't met her just yet. But this is your cousin guys." Aunt Cee turned to all of us who were sitting in the living room.

"Hi. I'm Masey. Nice to meet you all." She smiled sweetly right before Erica nudged me.

"Ain't that the girl Odell was with on Insta?" She whispered so only I could hear.

"I think so..." I mumbled back. Before we could say anything else, a tall masculine figure appeared in the doorway.


"Oh hell no! What's he doing here?" I jumped up. Everyone eyed him, knowing he was my ex and had seemed to get with my new-found cousin.

What is it about my family that Odell likes so much?!

Masey stood amused and looked at me.

"Odell? Is this the bitch Amara you keep mentioning?" She scoffed and flipped her hair. My blood started to boil before Erica jumped up and ran up on her. She knocked her to the ground and started pulling out strands of cheap, pack weave. I refrained from laughing and ran over to Erica's aid.

"Rica, that's enough." I pulled her away before she could do any more damage. As much as I wanted to see this slick mouthed little bitch get her shit rocked, I couldn't afford for Erica to ring her by her neck and kill 'er.

"Fuck with my friend again and see what happens!" Erica yelled while still in Tray and I's grasp.

"Fuck goin' on in hea'?!" Uncle Louis busted through the door of the kitchen and eyes everyone viscously.

"Just what I was about to ask. Why y'all in here acting like a bunch of damn hooligans? If y'all don't take y'all asses outside with this shit, I will personally kick all y'all the fuck out." Aunt Cee came out behind Uncle Louis and continued to stare us down.

"She coming in here thinking she running shit and calling me out my name is okay! I don't give a damn if that's your niece or not Auntie, but she need to take her ratchet, stank weave, banshee looking ass out! Excuse my French." I stormed out the room and went into the Master Bedroom at the back of the house where no one would come look for me.

I paced back and forth to calm myself down before I was ready to go back out. Before I could, one face I didn't want to see came in.

Odell's dumbass came in and licked his lips.

"I love it when you get mad baby. I missed you." Odell wrapped his arms around my waist and started to kiss on my neck.

"Get the fuck off me, you pig!" I pushed him off and marched right past him.

"Are you okay baby?" Tray touched my face lightly. I smiled and side eyed Odell who was sitting down in a chair. I pulled Tray's face towards mine and proceeded to devour his tongue. I smirked and pulled away slowly.

Odell clenched his fist and gritted his teeth slightly before whispering something to that Masey bitch.

"Okay boo. No babies in the living room." Erica laughed and pulled me away from Tray slightly. The whole room erupted into laughter to where it was hard to believe that it was filled with toxic energy and chaos.

"Okay y'all! Dinner is ready!" Everyone in the house ran towards the kitchen in a crowd.

"Okay! Everyone grab ya' neighbor's hand and les pray!" Grandma's shrill voice filled the room. Everyone got quiet and grabbed their neighbors hand. I entertained my fingers with Trays and reached out to the right of me, expecting whoever to grab my hand. I looked over and instantly pulled my hand back down. Odell smiled faintly and held his hand out. I rolled my eyes and pulled from Tray and went over to hold Erica's hand.

"Amara will you lead us in prayer?" Grandma asked.

I smiled and bowed my head and squinted at the ground. I said a small prayer and looked up to be met with Odell's glare, indicating he has been staring at me the whole time. He turned away quickly and looked everywhere else but.

I gave Erica's hand a squeeze and motioned over to Odell and his little bitch of a girlfriend as we watched Masey grab his dick and grin at him. They both pulled away from the group unnoticed, except by me and Erica. Masey traced her finger over Odell's chest and walked backwards slowly.

"I'm guessing they're going to go find somewhere to fuck. In someone else's house." Erica whispered.

I laughed aloud.

"They have no respect for others or themselves. It's like they don't even care how ratchet and tacky they look." I scoffed and turned to the table to take a seat.

Ooouuuh. This get together is about to be a mess. I sighed heavily.


It takes me so long to update 🤦🏽‍♀️ sorry guys 🤷🏽‍♀️. Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter. I have a few surprises coming up for y'all in the future, not only for this book but another one of my works.

V&C 💕

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