I Kill Pride and Hurt Feelings

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McKayshla's POV:

Being in the same classroom with Justin, his crew, Alex and her group of hoes drove me insane. 

I seriously had to get out of there. 

Thank God I did.

I'm not sad or anything. 

I'm just pissed as hell.

Like, just because you have everything and you're famous doesn't mean you have to talk to me like that and be an asshole. 

God, I dislike stuck up famous people so much.

I went to the bathroom to just chill in there and relax from what just happened.


I have no clue what just happened, but damn.

I gotta give it to McKay. She's bad ass. 

First, I have to check on why Justin got slapped in the face and then I have to go find McKayshla.

I walked over to Justin who still looked surprised, angry, and shocked.

Chaz and Ryan walked over with me too, but everyone else continued working.

Justin and Mr. Jay were talking so we just stood there waiting 'til they were done talking.

"Are you sure you're okay? She hit you pretty hard." Mr. Jay said examining Justin's cheek.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Justin said nodding.

"Do you need to go walk off and go get some ice or something?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. I'll go pretty soon. Let me just talk to these guys." Justin said pointing towards us.

Mr. Jay nodded. "Okay" and with that he walked off to his desk and continued his work on his laptop.

Justin looked at us with this big ass red mark on his cheek.

Well, damn. 

I taught my best friend well.

Not gonna lie, but I'm kinda proud.

It would've been better if it was on Alex though.

Ryan and Chaz looked at each other then looked at Justin. "Daaammmmnnnn" they said in unison.

I chuckled to myself putting my lips inside of my mouth trying so hard not to laugh, so Justin didn't notice.

"What the hell is so funny Lilly?" Justin asked.

He noticed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just laughing 'cause my best friend just smacked you in the face and started yelling at you." and I just started laughing so hard.

"Ha. ha. ha. Very funny." Justin said.

I got myself under composer.

"Why did she even hit you?" Ryan asked.

"Well after Mr. Jay gave us the handouts I tried to make a conversation to get this shit over with, but she didn't wanna talk to me. Like she didn't say one word. She didn't even look at me or anything. But anyways, I was getting mad and my patience was running low, so I said something to her."

I raised my eyebrow at him knowing that he was just sugar-coating the truth.

"What?" he asked.

"I know you're not telling the truth. What did you say to her?" I asked pursing my lips together.

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