The Conjouring

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Dinner was perfect. 

Her reaction to my present was perfect. 

The laughs we shared with each other was perfect. 

The smiles we shared with each other was perfect. 

She's just perfect. 


We're inside the movie theatre now and it's completely empty besides like 2-4 employees in it.  

I hope she likes scary movies. If not, then she has something to cuddle to. 

Smart right?

"Mr. Bieber right?" the manager asked.


"Okay. Before we get you guys settled into the movie and stuff, do you guys want any pop corn or candy? soda?" he asked. 

"Um, I'll have a box of sour patch kids. Babe what do you want?" I turned to McKayshla. 

"Can I have a bag of those kit kat mini things?" she asked. 

"Of course. We'll bring those to you soon, now let's go get you seated in the theatre." he said walking us. 

We walked into the theatre and sat in the middle. 

We didn't sit in the back because for all we would know there could be some sticky white shit in the back. 

Not gonna lie, there be some freaks when it comes to movie theatres. 

One of the employees came and gave us our candy. 

"Thank you." Mickey said. 

"No problem, if you guys need anything there's a button on the side of the wall that you could press. Okay?" 

We nodded and they were out. 

"What movie are we watching?" McKayshla asked. 

"The Conjouring." 

"Isn't it that scary demon movie?" she asked. 


She got out of her seat and sat on my lap. 

"Well, if I knew this was gonna happen, we woulda just sat in the back seat and did some freaky shit." I winked. 

She laughed "I did that 'cause I already know I'm gonna be scared." 

I chuckled "Okay babe." 

Throughout the whole movie she kept jumping and tightening my shirt and cuddling up in my neck. 

I couldn't stop laughing. 

There was this one part where she was eating one of my sour patch kids and there was this unexpected part that came up and she jumped which caused her to drop the whole box of sour patch kids everywhere. I haven't laughed so hard in a while. 

"It's not funny. It's embarrassing." She whined. 

I kept on laughed. 

She looked at me and pouted. 

I tried to stop laughing. "Babe, if that was me you know you would be laughing too." 

She giggled "Yeah, that's because you're a guy."

"What different does that make?" I asked. 

She chuckled "A big difference." 

"Whatever." I scoffed. 

The rest of the movie was pretty much the same thing. 

The movie was over now and I looked down and I saw her cuddled into my neck playing with her necklace. 

She looks so beautiful. 

"Thanks babe." she kissed my neck. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You called me beautiful." she giggled. 

I said that out loud? 

"Oh." I chuckled. "You are." 

"You're uh." she stopped "Sexy." she winked. 

I giggled and kissed her head. "Come on. Let's go home." 

She nodded and got up and fixed her dress walking out of the isle. 

We walked out into the theatre and right at the door. 

"Thanks for coming! Have a great night!" The manager yelled out. 

"Thanks man! You too!" I yelled back. 

We walked outside. 

"It's so damn cold." she said shivering a bit. 

I stopped and took my blazer off and put it over then kissed her cheek. 

She giggled "Thanks babe." 

We went inside the car and left the movies. 

"I had so much fun tonight. Thank you Justin. It was perfect." She smiled and looked at me. 

"I'm glad you did. I had fun too." I smiled. 

I never knew I would ever fall for McKayshla as hard as I did. 

She's amazing. 

She's everything and more that I could ever ask for in a girl. 

I love her so much.  

Well, off to the house we go. 

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