I Feel Like A Princess

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McKayshla is perfect. 

Where has this girl been all of my life? 

Well, school is over now. 

I drove McKayshla and Lilly to her house to get ready and stuff, but I went out to get my baby a little gift, just to show how much I love her. 

I'm at Kay Jewelers right now with Chaz. 

He wanted to get Lilly a little something too. He's been planning to go on this trip back in London, Ontario. It's not too far from Stratford, but it is out of town. He doesn't know when they're going. Probably next month though, then he'll give her the present. 

"Good evening Gentleman. What can I help you guys with today?" One of the female employees asked. 

"Uh, we are here to buy a special gift for our girls. Can you help us?" I asked. 

"Ahh. The special girlfriend gift. I can certainly help you guys. What do you have in mind?" she asked. 

"Well, I was thinking about getting her a necklace. I wanted the chain to be like real silver and I want like a heart at the top and a heart at the bottom with like her initial in the middle of them." I explained. 

"Yeah, and uh, I was also thinking about getting my girl a charm bracelet. Real silver, with her initial in real diamonds and then the rest with cute little charms on it." Chaz explained. 

Oh shit. 

Get 'em Chazzy. 

"I think I have an idea on what you guys are wanting. Follow me this way." She said walking. 

We nodded and walked the direction she was going. 

She walked around the counter and we stopped in front of her. 

"See these right here just came in stock. They came in with these kind of necklaces with the initials and you sir, are lucky because they got every necklace with every letter in the alphabet." She said pointing to the different ones. 


"What's her initial?" she asked. 

"M." I said.

She pointed to the necklace "This one?" 

"Yeah." I smiled. "That one would be perfect." 

She nodded and brought it out. 

"How much?" I asked. 

"About 1.5 thousand." she said. 

Not bad. 

I usually spend about 100k on my chains and shit. 

I took the money out of my pocket and gave it to her. 

She took the money and walked over to a different counter.

We followed her.

"See now these over here also came in stock this morning with stack loads of charms that you can choose from and put together." She said. 

"Great. Um, can I get that bracelete right there?" Chaz said pointing to one. 

She pulled it out and she brought out like a small box of charms that he could choose from to put together Lilly's bracelet. 

"You can pick out the charms for her bracelet and I'll be right back. I have to go cash this in and finalize his necklace for him." 

we nodded. 

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