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McKayshla's POV: 

Did you guys just hear that crack? 

Yeah, that was my heart. 

I'm done with this prom. 

I just wanna go home. 

At this point, I just walked out of the building. 

I kept walking with tears streaming down my face. 

I heard the school door open up. 

That better not be who I think it is. 

"McKayshla wait!" that all too familiar voice rang in my ears. 

It is. 

I keep walking. 

I wiped away my tears as they came down my face. 

I felt him grab ahold of me, so I faced him. 


"Let go of me Justin! You've been touching other bitches, so I don’t want you touching me." I spat. 

"I'm sorry." 

"You're always sorry, sorry this, sorry that, well you weren't so sorry when you decided to have sex with your ex now did you?" 

"I was drunk." 

I chuckled sarcastically and shook my head "That's some lame ass excuse, you decided to drink and you decided to cheat, so who's fault is that? Yours." 

He sighed, "I know and I'm sorry" 

"I don't give a flying rat’s ass if you're sorry, take that weak ass apology and shove it up your ass! I don't wanna hear your apologies anymore! Hell, I don't even wanna hear you anymore! I'm done Justin! I can't do this anymore! You do so much shit and I forgive you for it all the time! I actually thought you were different, that you changed, but once fame hits you, you change into the same asshole I met the first day! I can't deal with this anymore; this is too much to bear with!" 

"I did change." 

"I and many other people just watched you have sex! How do you call that 'change'?" I said air-quoting the word "change." 

He stayed silent. 

"Exactly," I chuckled in disbelief, "And to think you loved me." I said more to myself. 

"I do." 

"Bullshit! If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated! I gave you another chance and you blew it! Obviously love means nothing to you! I seriously can't believe this." I paused, "You know what? I'm over this relationship Justin, and I mean it! Don't call me, don't text me, don't touch me, hell, don't even look at me! This relationship is done! I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore." I said looking at him with water filling up my eyes. 

"McKayshla pleas-" 

"No Justin, you had me looking stupid in front of everybody! Do you have any clue how embarrassing that was for me? I'm gonna be laughed at because of you, this is all your fault! I rather have not got involved with you at all!" I shook my head, "I can't do this. Nothing you say or do is going to change my decision. This is what's best for me and it's clearly best for you too." 

He kept quiet. 

I just remembered something. 

The necklace. 

I took his hand in mine and I took my other hand and trailed it up to my neck and yanked off the necklace and opened his hand up a little and placed it in there. 

"It's best that I don't keep this." I said with tears sliding down my face slowly. 

I walked away. 


I just remember another thing. 

I turned back around. 

His head was facing down looking down at his hand. 

"Oh and Justin?" I spoke up. 

He looked up. 

"Don't worry about the project, I'll just put your name on it and just say you helped me," another tear slid down. 

Not caring what he had to say, I continued walking the path I was walking. 

I just wanna go home. 

I can't be here right now. 

I'm too heartbroken to enjoy the rest of the time. 


I have no words at this point. 

What I just saw was filthy, disgusting, and disappointing. 

I wanna beat Justin, Selena, and Alex's ass. 

Maybe Shauna too 'cause her dumbass played the damn video. 

I can't even imagine how McKayshla's feeling right now. 

Thank God Mrs. Washington stopped the video before she could see more than what she was supposed to.

I feel so bad right now. 

The rest of the girls and guys are literally shocked at what we just saw.

No girl should go through that. 

Especially at her one and only prom in front of everybody. 

That's just wrong. 


I hate seeing girls cry. 

I've only seen McKayshla cry once and that was months ago. 

I've never seen her cry like she did.

I feel really bad. 

I had a feeling she would end it between us. 

I can't believe Alex showed the video. 

And what I really can't believe is that Selena recorded it. 

I didn't even notice. 

I really wanna make things work with McKayshla so badly, but at this point I've ran out of hope. 

I hurt her so bad to the point where she doesn't even wanna be near me or maybe be around anything that reminded her of me. 

I thought forever was gonna happen.

Guess not. 

This is gonna be a long, hard, and difficult night for me. 

I can already tell. 

All I know is that I'm gonna fight long and hard to get this relationship back. 

No matter how long it takes. 

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