The Day Before

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McKayshla's POV: 

I tossed myself on my bed, "Finally," I breathed out. 

I'm at my comforting home already.

I'm done shopping. 

I bought so much stuff. 

The girls and I only went there to get my outfit for graduation, shoes and that's it. 

But we kinda went a little bit overboard. 

There were these new Jordan Wolf Greys that came out and I had to get them.

Oh and I bought another pair of Jordan Grape 5's and let Lilly keep the other ones, considering she wears them more than me and I also got another pair of Nike Griffeys.

What else did I buy...?

I bought a pair of Nike Blazers to practice in when I dance with Justin. 

I bought a lot of shorts, shirts, skirts, dresses, jeans, vintage tops etc. 

I got another ear piercing. 

It's right above my second earhole. 

It has a little diamond on it, so it looks cute. 

Jasmine, Lilly, and Sarah did a whole bunch of shopping. 

Literally had about 8 bags on both of their hands. 

We go HAM when it comes to shopping. 

I even got Justin a little something too. 

I hope he loves it because I spent so much money on this shit and had it planned out for like four weeks. 

So he better. 

The girls and I went to go get our nails done. 

We all needed re-fills, so it didn't take as long. 

My thumbs, index fingers, and pinkies were painted blue, my ring fingers were painted silver and my middle fingers were painted white with a black zigzag design on them. 

They look so good. 

I love them. 

I love having acrylic nails on so much. 

One is because they look good on me. 

Two is they don't leave really bad scratches on Justin's back when me and him do it. 

*Insert winky face here* 

But yeah, the hair salon was a fun time too. 

Lilly got her hair bleached blonde and buzzed up again and this time she has it blow-dried straight down the right side of her head. 

Sarah got hers washed and blow dried and she has a couple twists on the side of her head and she has big, loose, volume curls. 

Jasmine got hers washed, blow dried, and then the hair stylist went over it with a flat iron. 


Jasmine rarely straightens her hair. 

She always leaves it in those natural poufy curls. 

But she looks beautiful either way. 

I decided to re-dye my hair black and dip dye the ends a turquoise-ish blue. 

Guys, it looks so dope. 

I thought it would look really bad, but it doesn't. 

I love it. 

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