I'm Sorry

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I fucked up. 

Like always. 

That's not really shocking. 

Considering I'm always messing something up with McKayshla. 

It's like I take two steps forward and like a thousand steps back. 

Get your shit together Justin. 

Thank God me and McKayshla have classes together. 

Right now, it's 1st period, which is English. 

I have Mickey in that class and we have to do that stupid story project together. 

I come out of the bathroom and turn out so I can go to the English wing, and I see McKayshla a little further than me. 

"McKayshla!" I call her name. 

She turns around and walks faster. 

Damn, that ass of hers. 

Justin, focus. 

Right. Gotta focus. 

"McKayshla wait!" I run after her. 

She turns around and she jets up the flight of stairs. 

She starts running. 

What the hell is this? 

Cat and mouse?

I literally sprinted after her and I was right behind her. 

She turned around and ran even faster. 

The fuck is this bitch doing?

Trying out for the olympics?

Stop running from me. 


I ran fast as hell and I caught up to her. 

I ran in front of her and turned to face her which caused her to look over and then run into me and we fell in the hallway. 

She was on top of me. 

Well, this is a great way to start a conversation. 

McKayshla's POV:

Why can't Justin just leave me the hell alone when I'm mad at him?

He's like a stalker I wish I never had. 

Had me running and shit like if I was on track. 

Now, my bun is all loose and I'm on top of Justin because my dumbass couldn't stop when he decided to run in front of me and make us fall. 

We both looked at each other and he chuckled. 

"Babe, if you wanted to fuck in the hallway all you had to do was ask." He smirked. 

But what he doesn't know is that my knee is right at his dick.

I lifted it up and hit him right in his private making him groan. 

I got up on my feet and looked down at him. 

"Oops. Did I just knee you?" I asked sarcastically. 

"You bitch. You're gonna pay for that." he said groaning and holding onto his area. 

"Hmm. Too bad. I was considering on fucking you right here too." I shrugged "Guess not." I chuckled sarcastically. 

I walked away leaving him on the floor in pain. 

I fixed my messy bun back to where it was. 

Justin doesn't know how to leave me alone?

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