Café with Mom

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I was now in the cafeteria with my mom eating. 

She was eating blueberry pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and maple syrup and a medium apple juice.

Maple Syrup made straight from Canada is so damn good. 

I would know, of course. 

I was eating an egg and cheese bagel with a side of hash brown bites and a medium orange juice. 

I remember when McKayshla made this for me. 

God, I miss her already. 

And her cooking. 

"So tell me," my mom spoke taking a sip of her drink to wash down the bite of food she just ate, "how are you feeling?" 

I shrugged, "I'm fine." 

"I'm gonna ask you this again," she paused, "how are you feeling?" 

I sighed, "I feel sad, disappointed, hurt, horrible, should I go on?" 

My mom nodded.

"What if she dies while she's in that coma mom?!" I exclaimed.

It got a little quiet and some people looked over.

"Justin, don't talk like that." she warned. 

"It's hard not to considering the state that she's in." I said. 

"The doctor said she should be fine, she's still fighting and from the looks of it, she's winning." my mom smiled. 

I smirked, "I hope so," I paused and breathed out, "I'm still mind blown on all of this; I thought she would never do this again." 

"Justin, she has depression, ya know." She informed. 

"I know, I know, but she went a good amount of time without hurting herself." I said. 

"Because she had you, yeah, she had Lilly, me, and Mary all the time, but when she felt like she was changing you into a better person, she fell harder for you and now that you did what you did she felt worthless and unwanted." Mom explained. 

My mom is like the female version of Dr.Phil.

"How do you know all of this?" I questioned. 

"Did you forget who I am? I am like the queen of knowing a woman's feelings." She said proudly. 

I laughed. 

Oh mother. 

She always figures out a way to make me laugh. 

"Do you want her back?" she spoke. 

"More than anything in the world," I looked into her eyes. 

"Then you better fight for your girl and show her that you want her; work for what you want." she encouraged. 

"I will, but right now, I just have to make sure she's okay." I reassured. 

"And she will be." My mom said grabbing my hands and rubbing them with her thumbs. 

I nodded. 

"But you still have to go to school." she let go of my hands and stuck some food in her mouth. 

I knew she would say some shit like this sometime.

"Mom, what the hell? I'm not going to school, I can't." I said. 

"And why can't you?" she asked. 

"Because of McKayshla," I answered. 

"Justin, you have to raise your grades in order to graduate and you only have two weeks to do that. Lilly's gonna stay here." She informed. 

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