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McKayshla's POV: 

Justin and I kept our lips moving in sync for a while. 

Lilly groaned, "Are you guys done sucking each other's faces yet?" 

I smirked against our kiss which made Justin smirk and we kept going. 

"I'll leave your ass here McKayshla, don't fuck with me," Lilly warned. 

I disconnected and laughed. 

"Finally," she breathed out. 

I giggled. 

"Alright, well let's go or we're gonna be late for our doctor's appointment," Lilly said. 

"Okay, okay, Geesh, don't rush me," I joked. 

"If that means you guys won't swallow each other’s insides in front of me, then I will," she crossed her arms. 

I chuckled and looked forward at Justin who had his arms around me. 

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked. 

"Yeah, Lilly and the girls are spending the night at my house and we'll meet you and the guys in the parking lot or inside of the auditorium, got it?" I clarified. 

"Stay with me," he pouted. 

"I would if I could, but I got some last minute things to do and I'm pretty sure you don't wanna wait hours for me to get my hair and nails done plus hear my ass talk about random shit while I shop with my girls, am I right?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh hell no, uh, I'll see you tomorrow then babe," he pecked my lips, "love you," he walked away. 

I chuckled, "love you!" 

"Love you too," I heard him call out. 

"Why can't me and Chaz be like you guys'?" Lilly spoke. 

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe if Chaz got some tips off of Justin then maybe you can have a relationship like mine and Justin's, but I have no clue why everyone wants what we have, we're not perfect ya know." 

"Yeah, right," Lilly scoffed, "You guys are picture perfect and every time I see him around you, it's like a different person comes out, a person I haven't seen ever since he was 15, yeah, he's still acts like a fucking ass sometimes." 

I giggled. 

She chuckled, "But every time you're around, you bring the Justin out that Mom wants to see, that I want to see, believe it or not, you brought back my brother, the old Justin, the Justin that I'm absolutely in love with, and I love you a thousand times more for that, so thank you. Not only do I thank you for being an amazing best friend along the years, but I thank you for fixing my everything. Justin's like my long lost twin, sounds crazy but he is," she chuckled, "And I think you might've brought him back to me. So thanks McKayshla, I appreciate it," she complimented. 

I never knew she felt that way about Justin. 

I always thought she hated him. 

She never said she did, but she hinted it. 

I mean, they act like a bunch of dicks when they talk to each other, but to hear Lilly talk about her brother like this, it's surprising, but common. 

Lilly and Justin's relationship is a typical brother-sister relationship. 

I get it. 

Well not completely, but you know, I get where she's coming from. 

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