Cali Bound

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McKayshla's POV: 

I'm on my way to California right now. 

Justin, Lilly, Ryan and I are on the plane. 

I told my mom about me going and she said that I can go and she'll be watching on TV. 

It's 9:30 a.m. right now. 

I slept for a little bit, but Justin's white ass had to wake me up because he was "bored." 

Take your ass to sleep if you were so bored. 

Now, I'm like trying so hard not to fall asleep.

I need to go to a Starbucks ASAP. 

Lilly and Ryan are fucking lucky because they get to sleep and I can't. 

"Attention everyone, we should be landing in Los Angeles, California in about 2 hours." The flight attendant spoke. 

"Finally," I breathed out. 

Justin chuckled. 

I looked at him and gave him an evil glare. 

"What?" he giggled 

"I hate you." I snarled. 

He gasped "why?" 

"You woke me up." 

"I was bored." he said innocently. 

I shook my head. 

"You know you love me," he cooed. 

"Not at the moment." 

He looked at me and puckered out his bottom lip. 

"See, when you do that, I can't resist." 

He smirked. "What can I say? I'm irresistible." 

I giggled and I took his hand and started fumbling around with them. 

"Are you performing tonight?" I asked. 

"Yeah." he said. 

"What songs?" 

"My fans want me to perform As Long As You Love Me and Beauty and A Beat with Nicki Minaj." he explained.

"I'll be cheering for you." I said looking at him. 

He smiled and leaned in to give me a kiss. 

Minutes later, some girl came up to us. 

She looked young, but she was really pretty. 

Her hair was long and straightened to perfection. She was wearing white shorts with a purple sweatshirt that spelled #TEAMBIEBER in white, silver jewelry, with purple and white vans. 

From the sight that I'm seeing, she got dope ass swag. 

And she's a Belieber. 

I like her already.

"Hi guys, sorry to interrupt, but can I please get a picture with you guys?" she asked holding onto her phone.  

I smiled, "yeah, do you want one with each of us?"

"Sure." she said smiling. 

"Okay, come here." I said patting my lap. 

She walked in and she sat on my lap. 

She unlocked her phone and pulled up her camera app. 

She took 3 photos with me. 

One was with us smiling. 

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