Ugh, I'm Not Jealous!

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McKayshla's POV: 

I went towards my room and saw that my door was closed. 

I opened it up and it revealed Justin's body sprawled out on the bed with his phone in one ear and he's tossing something up and down in his hand. 

It looks like a beanie, but I have no clue. 

He didn't notice I was standing there at the door frame, so I just listened in. 

"Yeah, I know," Justin spoke. 

He giggled, "That's crazy!" 


"Yeah, her name's McKayshla." he said. 

I crossed my arms and leaned against the frame with my legs crossing one another. 

"You don't think she likes you?" I saw his eyebrows furrowed, "Why?" 

"You guys got into an argument on twitter?!" 

"Oh man, I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into her lately," he sighed. 

What's gotten into me lately?

How am I acting? 

"Yeah, but once you guys meet each other, I think you guys will like each other," he said. 

"Yeah, but anyways, how have you been?" he asked. 

Why do you care so much? 

This kid man. 

"Wait, you still smoke weed? Since when?" he said. 

"Oh shit! We're gonna have to burn one someday then," he smirked. 

Over my dead body. 

Justin will not be smoking weed with that bitch. 

Or with anyone. 

"Alright cool, so when I hit up Cali this month, I'll hit you up and me, you, and the group can meet up and chill," Justin suggested. 

Nigga don't be pitchin' in ideas. 

"Yeah, we start tour in August until the beginning of May of next year then I'll be taking a break and start back up in July and end in the middle of September," Justin said. 

"Alright, well, I don't wanna hold you up, plus McKayshla's probably wondering what's taking me so long." 

He chuckled, "Yeah, she's something else." 

"Of course I love her." 

I smiled. 


"Alright, see ya." 

He smiled, "I miss you too, okay, bye." 

My smile fell. 

My eyebrow rose. 

He hung up the phone and got off the bed. 

Miss you too my ass. 

He kept his face in his phone scrolling through it and walked his way towards me. 

"Aw you and Jacque were on the phone re-connecting," I put my hand on my chest, "How cute," I cooed puckering out my bottom lip slightly. 

He jolted, "Jesus babe, you scared me." 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, cut the bullshit," I spat. 

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What?" 

"You could've told me that you were gonna be on the phone with little miss School Gyrl," I made a disgusted face. 

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