Needed Two

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McKayshla's POV: 

I'm in school right now. 

Nobody realizes how tired and cranky I am.

I slept in almost every period. 

Except for lunch and English.

I basically slept in my History, Honors Reading, and I slept in Calculus. 

I'm in Gym right now. 

We don't do shit in here either. 

All we do is either play basketball or volleyball. 

I definitely don't have time for that. 

I'm too tired for that shit. 

Basically all the smelly weirdoes change out in their gym uniforms and play. 

Not me. 

Me and Lilly usually sit on the bleachers and watch the hot guys in the weight room. 

But not today. 

Justin decided to sit with me while Lilly and Chaz were arguing in a corner somewhere in the gym and Jasmine and Nolan were sitting many bleachers away from us in the top corner being all cute and cuddly. 

I literally strive to be them someday. 

They are so adorable. 

Sarah and Ryan are in History right now. 

Thank God this is the only period I have then science then I'm out of this bitch. 

I've never been this excited to go home. 

I'm only this excited because me and my bed can have alone time and I get to have sweet dreams. 

Right now I'm lying against Justin's shoulder while he's scrolling through his phone. 

"Justin, I'm tired," I whined. 

"Then go to sleep," he shrugged. 

"I can't this is uncomfortable," I said. 

"That sucks," he said. 

I took my head off of his shoulder and looked at him with my eyebrows indented. 

He looked at me then chuckled, "What?" he said innocently. 

I scoffed, "Bitch." 

He giggled. 

I took my phone out and decided to text Jasmine. 

I saw that she changed her contact name in my phone to Queen Jazzy ;* 

To: Queen Jazzy ;* 

Justin's an asshole. 

From: Queen Jazzy ;* 

So is Nolan, we were being all lovey dovey all day, now he's being a grouch :( 

To: Queen Jazzy ;* 

Ugh, shut up, you and Nolan are perfect. 

From: Queen Jazzy ;* 

Perfect my ass. 

To: Queen Jazzy ;* 

Yeah huh, you guys are so cute and perfect and you guys are gonna make it to 2 years! 

From: Queen Jazzy ;* 

OMG I KNOW!! I can't wait, he says he has a surprise for me, but I'm going crazy...he knows how much I hate surprises. 

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