Chapter 50 *Final*

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Chapter 50  

“I can’t believe we made it.” I covered my mouth with my hands excitedly. “Puck this is a dream come true!” I exclaimed pulling on his arm unable to contain my happiness. He smiled and wrapped me in a hug before kissing me deeply.

“I’m just happy to be with you, whether it be here or Lima.” He said rubbing my arm while the others grabbed their lunch sitting on steps to eat. I was practically glowing. Puck and I were finally back together and we were in my dream city New York. I could die happy for all I cared.

“I love you.” I breathed out pecking him on the lips taking his hands in mine.

“Seriously you two. We’re all glad you’re together but could you lighten up please?” Sam fake gagged making everyone laugh. I rolled my eyes sitting down to join them all.

“Guess what my friends. I bought us all tickets to go see one of the most brilliant musicals ever. Cats!” Rachel grinned holding up the tickets. We all looked at her happily surprised she did something so sweet.

“Um Rachel, you might want to check the dates on those tickets because Cats stopped playing a decade ago.” Quinn said raising her eyebrows and Rachel’s face fell. I felt a bit bad for her but not bad enough to think much of it.

“Well that explains why the man who sold them to me ran my credit card through his butt crack.” She mused shrugging lightly. I didn’t even want to think about what she just said.

“I’m telling you now guys we’re going to blow the competition out of the water!” I shouted raising my hand in the air finishing up my sandwich.

“You got that right!” Mercedes cheered back with everyone else adding their ‘whoops’ and ‘yeas’ but before we knew it Mr. Schuester called us back to our hotel rooms, which he divided by ‘sexual orientation’ as it were. Creepy if you ask me.

“Come on.” Puck said pulling me towards the bar in the hotel lobby. I grinned grabbing his muscular bicep as we walked.

“Where are we going? You know as well as I do that we’re too young for booze.” I whispered while Puck sat down on a stool and had me sit next to him. I was so happy to be back with him, I’d follow him anywhere no matter how crazy it was. I was obsessed with him clearly.

“Sshhh… they don’t have to know that.” Puck breathed into my ear kissing my temple and tapping the counter with an evil smile on his face. I set out into another round of giggles while turning red. I never thought I would be that typical schoolgirl that would swoon at the sight of the guy she had a crush on but that was really what I was.

“I’ll take a Manhattan.” Puck waved at the bartender who just stared at him like he was nuts.

“Do you know what is in a Manhattan?” She spoke obviously annoyed putting her hand on her hip. Puck quirked an eyebrow and smiled at me.

“Yea, I am. Now get me…” Puck and I were grabbed by the back of our jackets and pulled out of the bar.

“Seriously you two, don’t make me have to put you on leashes.” Mr. Schuester scolded walking us back to the group and letting us go.

“Better luck next time baby.” I said sticking my lower lip out in a pouty face and wrapping my arms around his waist.

“I’m sure I’ll find something to take the hurt away.” Puck commented pulling my beret off and running his free hand through my hair before leaning in and kissing me. I met his lips with equal fervor and heard more groans from our fellow glee clubbers. We pulled away for a moment and looked to see where the protest was coming from.

Glee's Finest (A Puck Love Story. Or is it?)Where stories live. Discover now