✧ Satoru Furuya x Reader ➁

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* ✫ ❚ -ˋˏ✦ˎˊ- ❚ ✫ *

V a i n

One afternoon where the sun shines at its best, the hottest time of the day, your marvelous and brilliant ace boyfriend asked you to come over to his dorm at that time. Fully knowing how the others would spend the day training. 


You mumbled complaining at the sleeping state of your boyfriend in your lap. "Satoru-chaan, what happened with your stamina roll thing? Aren't you going out to improve it or shit?"

"But it's hot outside..."

"Yeah, 'course, mister obvious. It's summer, after all."


"Don't sleep on me, you l—"

"(First Name)..."

Looking down at your lap, he seemed peacefully asleep. No prompting or whatsoever, he moved away from your lap and then proceeding in pulling you to him. Too lazy to put up a fight, you simply let out a yawn and fell asleep right there. 

 [ E x t r a . . . ] 

Miyuki spent the whole warm noon searching for you and your boyfriend. He knew something was up when he saw you walking inside the current ace's room. Boy, if he knew a little earlier what you guys planned. 

Hearing the sound of the door opening, you stirred in your sleep, blinking your eyes to adjust at the sight. Without much difficulty, you saw the catcher by the doorstep, smirking as he took another picture of you and Furuya together. 

A smirk formed on your lips as you posed a peace sign. After hearing the shutter click, you moved a hand and waved around Furuya's hand as if he was waving it. "Send them later to me, Miyuki-chaan." 

Miyuki let out a sigh, knowing blackmailing you was next to impossible. 

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